Chapter 32

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A/N: It's time to make subtext into text. Meaning, this chapter also contains some mature content.

On a general note: this will be the last chapter focused on the more intimate part of the relationship for a while. Afterwards, things will start catching up with them.

Tin's POV

A still somewhat puffy-eyed Can was lying on the bed in front of him, his upper body already stripped naked.

Tin had used his school tie to bind Can's hands to the bedpost.

The first thing Can had requested from him was being allowed to let go and not having to worry about overstepping or acting without thinking. And this was how Tin had interpreted it for him.

Since Can had started mindfulness meditation and exercises, he had become a lot better at keeping himself in check in heated situations – but in moments like this, Tin could see how straining it must be for him.

This wish thus hadn't surprised Tin, nor was he surprised that Can had very eagerly participated in getting tied up.

The absolute tiredness Can had emanated when he had first entered the room was still there, but there was something else in his eyes now, too.

Want. Desire.

Tin gulped silently.

It would be an interesting balance to find, to give Can the relief he needed and making sure not to tire his body out even more. But Tin found that he loved this kind of challenge. Almost like a small, totally solvable puzzle – unlike the one that was still on display on the other bed unbeknown to Can.

Even though this strange dynamic between them had been present from the very beginning – Can wanting to let go and be kept safe and Tin enjoying guiding him and taking care of him – they had never really talked about it.

Tin hadn't realized he had this kind of kink before he had met Can. Frankly, with his girlfriends, he had been so self-absorbed that he had only chased his own relief and maybe looked for a bit of validation.

Since the entire school had been discussing his sex life upon seeing that sodding picture of him buying lube, his pride had had to accept that most of his girlfriends had probably faked their orgasms, if they had even bothered to do that at all.

He wasn't exactly proud of his past self.

All the more reason to do right by Can now.

He knew there were supposed to be rules to this kind of thing – but he'd need to invest a bit of time to find out how it worked with safewords and whatnot, if they wanted to continue down that road.

Smiling to himself, he couldn't help thinking that if he asked Can to find out for them, or even to talk to Ms. Trimble about it, he would probably do it without blinking. Though it would be much more awkward for Tin, now that everyone knew who Can was with.

Maybe he better did the research himself.

Bending forward a bit, he reached out and slowly ran his hand over Can's cheek, noticing with pleasure that he was shivering slightly even under this innocent gesture.

It was a delightful sign that Can fully trusted his promise and had completely let go.

"Can," he said tenderly, continuing his caresses of his face and his neck, "are there other secret desires you haven't told me about?"

Tin was sure he guessed a few of them and he was curious what it would take to get Can to confess... or even to acknowledge them, since Can was usually so vocal and immediate about what he was experiencing, that he probably would have voiced it if he had understood it.

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