Chapter 13

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A/N: Because I have pity with traumatized TinCan shippers, I have decided to post Chapter 13 directly after Chapter 12. So if you are reading this in real time, you might have missed  Chapter 12. Read it before you read this. :D

Tin's POV

Something had happened to Can while Tin was talking to Jonathan and Tin couldn't by the life of him figure out what it was.

Up until their short break, Can had been happy and talkative, eating away the starters; and now he suddenly looked like he was about to cry. As much as Tin appreciated how Can wore his heart on his sleeve, it could also hurt seeing it.

Somehow, Tin didn't believe it was homesickness. It had been too sudden and without warning.

As he caught Jonathan's gaze, he saw that he agreed – and the way the football captain nodded at him indicated that he wouldn't oppose him anymore if he continued to go after Can.

For now.

Tin would of course not just have lost his feelings for Can if Jonathan had disapproved, but he was still glad he wasn't going up against him. The entire football team was scary. Including their coach.

Tin tried to take Can's arm and pull him up to go outside with him, but Can immediately withdrew it and looked at him coldly.

That gaze hurt.

A lot.

Was this how people saw him, when they called him Ice Prince? He didn't look that cold, did he?

It was now more than obvious that whatever Can's problem was, it was with him.

But he hadn't done anything? What could he have done to disappoint him so much?

He couldn't lose him! Whatever it was that had spooked Can, Tin needed him to stay with him as roommates at least.

What if... what if Can had heard the conversation he had had with Jonathan and was now disgusted with him for having feelings for him?

No... no, he didn't even want to think about that.

He got up from his chair and tried to look at Can, but only managed to kind of look past him in his general direction. It hurt too much.

"Come on, let's get some air. It'll make you feel better."

For a moment that felt endless, it seemed like Can would refuse.

Tin silently exhaled when Can finally got up and reluctantly began to walk towards the door. Tin took his coat and followed him.

"Now tell me... what's really going on?" he asked as soon as they were outside.

As expected, Can didn't say anything. He only leaned against the wall and looked at him with sad puppy eyes that nearly made him go mad with worry.

Can hadn't taken his jacket with him. Tin could see he was shivering already.

Without hesitation, despite the weirdness of the current situation, Tin pulled his own coat over Can. He tried to catch his gaze again.

"Why are you out here with me?" Can finally asked, still looking completely dejected, "don't you want to go back inside to be with him?"



Wait a minute... Jonathan?

What did Can think had happened with Jonathan? And... could it be... could it really be?

Was he jealous?

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