Chapter 41

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Can's POV

A sudden triumphant shout from Tin tore Can out of his sleep.

He opened his eyes and turned around vaguely in the direction where the shout had been coming from. This bed was too big! After having slept together in a single dorm bed since they had started dating, Can wasn't used to having so much space anymore. He must have moved away from Tin in his sleep and he didn't like it.

He needed to press his eyes closed several times to get adjusted to the daylight already streaming in from outside. When he finally wasn't blinded by it anymore, he saw Tin sitting propped up against the head board again, his laptop on his lap. He was looking at something on the screen with a wide smile on his face.

Can crawled over to him to have a look at what Tin was so happy about. As expected, Can couldn't make heads or tails of what he saw – it was nothing but a row of numbers, dates and company names.

This was their second day in London, and Tin had spent almost every waking hour feverishly working on his laptop since they had gotten here. Can didn't mind, as long as he himself was busy running around and juggling footballs in the townhouse's backyard garden. Since this was also Coach Lavinia's house, it hadn't been surprising to find that they had football goals and training equipment in the garden shed.

But Can had needed to apply his best seduction skills to get Tin to shut his computer down at night and join him in bed.

Of course, he knew why Tin was so on edge – if he wanted to have a real chance at convincing his parents that his half-brother was behind the scandals constantly erupting around him, he needed compelling evidence and he hadn't found any, yet.

Or maybe he had... judging by the tone of the shout that had woken up Can, the smile on his face and the fact that Tin pulled him against his chest and affectionately kissed the top of his head.

"What am I looking at?"

"I have finally found it!"

Tin beamed at him and pointed at the screen.

"I'm afraid you'll have to explain it to me. I can only see numbers... might as well be hieroglyphs."

"My brother was really clever... but not clever enough. Follow the money always yields results, eventually..."

Can sighed.

"Tiiiin, you're speaking in riddles."

"The athletics team had also almost been caught up in a scandal this year. I didn't know until Mr. Yaxley told me about it... Some of the athletes had been tested positive for a forbidden substance in the school's internal doping tests, and like the swim team, they had sworn that they hadn't taken anything. Since it had been internal tests, the school board had dealt with it discreetly."

Honestly, hearing about all these open and supressed scandals – even knowing that it was part of a covert attack on the Yaxley family – Can wasn't sure if he would have come here if he had known. He was lucky that these stories hadn't reached Thailand before he left.

"Unlike with the swim team, there was no anomaly in the numbers, that's why my usual method didn't yield any results. But it was funny that all the athletes who had been tested positive for doping had opted for the vegetarian sandwich at their last competition before the test."

"How the hell did you figure that out?"

Can cuddled himself more comfortably into Tin's arm. This story would surely take a while. This wasn't the first time Can was listening to Tin explaining his detective work, but it still impressed him as if he had never heard of it.

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