Chapter 44

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Tin's POV

When the alarm clock tore him out of his deep slumber, Tin was disoriented for a moment.

He found himself still closely hugging Can, who seemed to have slept right through the alarm and only stirred once Tin moved to the edge of the bed to start stretching his slightly sore limbs. His left arm felt limp, after having been trapped underneath Can's body, but the rest was okay.

At the start of last night, he wouldn't have expected to wake up so well rested on the day his parents arrived here. He looked over to Can who was still lying there, now sprawled over half the bed, eyes still closed. Tin needed to make sure to give him a proper thank you later.

First, he needed to get him out of bed before he fell asleep again, though.

Ever since Tin had been blamed by Coach Lavinia for allowing Can to be late for detention – unfairly, too – Tin had made it a point of setting their alarm early and with plenty of time to spare, particularly for important occasions like today.

It was 6 am right now, and his parents weren't set to land for another half an hour – then it would take them at least two hours to arrive at the offices of Mr. Yaxley's newspaper, where the meeting was going to take place.

So, they were technically in no hurry, but Tin wanted to have time to pack their bags in case they were expected to return to school with Mr. McNeil and Coach Lavinia after the meeting. Also, he hoped they could have a solid breakfast with the three adult and go over their strategy again.

"Can! Wake up!"

When Can didn't react, Tin crawled back into the bed to lean over him and softly kiss his neck, until Can sighed and lifted his hand up to his cheek. It was very tempting to forget about getting up, particularly when Can, still half in his sleep, muttered:

"Come for another round?"

"In the shower maybe?"

That simple question finally did the trick. Tin chuckled as he saw how Can immediately opened his eyes and followed Tin to the edge the bed quickly.

"Still so eager? One might think you were deprived, if you act like that."

"Not at all," Can leaned his head against Tin's shoulder, "I just can't get enough of you. And it has been ages since we have taken a shower together."

By the time they were ready to leave the house to drive to the newspaper offices, the time buffer Tin had given them was all but used up.

His parents' arrival message had come through while they had still been in the shower, otherwise occupied.

They had also had breakfast. Mr. Yaxley had given him the latest updates on the other investigations that were still going on. The adults had reassured him that they would follow his lead, that Tin could decide how much of the information he had found on his brother's schemes he wanted to show to his parents.

Tin had also repeated their goal to let Tul walk into his own trap. They would try to create a false sense of security and let him believe Tin had no other proof of his scheming than his drunk confession during summer break.

In that way, they hoped to get more of a sense of how deeply Tul was involved with the attackers on the Yaxley family. Since he wouldn't be able to resist to gloat and rub his victory in Tin's face, if Tin's assessment of his brother's character was right.

Stating the main strategic goal like that was also for the benefit of Can, who was prone to get carried away in emotionally charged situations and who had already told everyone that he wished he could punch Tin's brother in the face.

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