Chapter 25

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A/N: I'm sorry for the delay. I've used up all my backlog and I was unexpectedly busy these last few days. I hope I will get back to a faster rhythm soon.

As always, thanks for your votes and comments!

Can's POV

Wherever Can went, people were whispering and occasionally, they were even rudely pointing their fingers at him.

Tin and he were on their way to the gym, where McNeil had ordered them to come for detention.

Can actually didn't see it as detention.

Not really.

Yesterday's events had left him shaken to the core. He appeared calm now on the outside, but on the inside, he was still scared of himself and what he might be capable of if he was provoked.

He was glad that Tin was with him. Because Tin might be able to stop him, if it happened again.

There suddenly seemed potentially dangerous situations lurking around every corner.

Even though Can knew that people were acting strange because of the ridiculous rumour that he was an undercover agent, it only increased his self-doubt.

It had nearly driven him crazy waiting for Tin to return to their room last night.

Tin had been outside much longer than Can had expected. He had curled up in the bed, watching random Champions League highlights videos on his phone to distract himself, scared that Tin would return to tell him he needed to change rooms.

By the time Tin had returned, triumphantly waving a sheet of paper and excitedly telling him he had secured their roommates status for them, Can couldn't really show his happiness anymore.

All he had been capable of was hugging Tin and pulling him back to bed with him. Before everything had happened, Can had imagine that they would either celebrate his first victory or try to forget his first defeat together – but in the end, he had fallen asleep almost as soon as he had reassured himself that Tin wouldn't go anywhere.

It was better now.

Sleeping had helped.

Tin's contract with Mr. Yaxley had made their need for secrecy outside of their room less absolute. It wasn't that they were suddenly acting like a couple, they weren't that callous – but at least they didn't need to avoid each other rigorously anymore.

At the moment, the rumours that Can was some kind of badass undercover agent had given them some respite from the gossips' attention anyway. But they could expect the penny to drop with some of them as soon as people began to see that there was nothing more to Can than met the eye and that he was really close with Tin.

Upon entering the gym, Can was surprised to see that McNeil wasn't alone. A girl, about two or three years younger than them, was dribbling with a football. She had her dark-brown hair tied into a loose ponytail. It was exactly the same hair colour as McNeil's, making Can guess that this was his daughter. When she turned around, her most striking feature were clear green eyes, contrasting oddly with her tan skin.

"Oh!" she shouted upon noticing them, "you're that new attacking midfielder who got subbed in yesterday! Your crosses were amazing! Can you teach me?"

Can could immediately feel Tin's arm on his shoulder.

McNeil laughed.

"Careful, Jessie, they might misunderstand."

He turned to them.

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