Chapter 2

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Can's POV

"I was always against that bloody stupid idea, anyway," Coach Lavinia had no qualm screaming at the headmistress.

Can sat in a chair at the headmistress' office, fighting against the sleep that was creeping up on him. He hadn't had much rest on the plane and everything that was happening around him started to feel more and more unreal; almost as if he was looking from inside his head at the things that were happening to another person, with no involvement of him whatsoever.

The headmistress was a plumb woman, around the same age as Coach Lavinia, but her flatly pressed down blonde hair and her pursed lips made her look older. The formal clothes didn't help, either.

Coach Lavinia was trying to sort out which dorm room she should bring him to – and apparently, there was a major disagreement between the headmistress and the coach.

Can hadn't really followed their conversation. He was now fluent enough in English to be able to follow conversations easily, even if joining a conversation still took a bit of warming up. At the moment, however, he was so tired and out of it that they could just as well have talked Klingon.

"There is no discussion, Lavinia. I have already informed Mr. Medthanan and he has accepted it."

"Like hell he has accepted it! There's a reason we allowed that little Ice Prince to keep his own room, that kid is pedantic. I won't bloody allow one of my players to stay there. No question. Let him room with Jonah, they are the same age, he's the team captain and it is high time he..."

"No. Call Jonathan to be his mentor if you want reassurance, but the board has already decided to let him stay with Mr. Medthanan. They are both Thai. Maybe talking in his own language will help melt the ice, as you put it. Do you really want to go against the board? Just because you're married to-"

"Stop that right this instance, Bryony. Just because-"


The headmistress' voice boomed with such authority that even Coach Lavinia stopped talking immediately.

Can vaguely wondered what the matter was between these two ladies. They glared at each other as if they were just waiting to jump at each other's throats. He also wondered what his future roommate had to do with it.

If it were up to him, Can right at this moment didn't care where he slept. He was so damn tired that he would have slept in a corner on the floor if they told him – just being able to lay down and cover himself in a blanket would be enough.

He could sleep absolutely anywhere provided he was tired. It was really easy with him – if he was tired, he could sleep, if he wasn't, he couldn't and no amount of time lying in bed would change that.

"Excuse me," he said tentatively.

Both women darted around to look at him – it seemed like they had forgotten he was still in the room.

It was weird. Back in Thailand, Can had gotten himself into a lot of trouble because he liked to talk a lot and didn't really feel when he needed to shut up – but here in England, he felt mute like a fish.

"Errr..." he looked from one to the other, "I'm... I'm tired. I don't care where I sleep."

"Of course, sweetie," Coach Lavinia suddenly sounded very nice and caring, as she crouched down to him and put her hands on his shoulders, "I'll show you to your room. If you wake up hungry, I'll instruct the kitchen staff to prepare something for you and leave it at the room of the night watch. I'll show you on the way."

After a short pause, she added:

"Only tonight, mind, because you have just arrived. Don't even think of using this as permission to walk around and get food after curfew every night."

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