Chapter 16

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A/N: So, Tin's POV contains some... unexpected (and rather light) mature content, because someone misjudged a situation. There are no mistakes, just happy little accidents... I guess? I might turn the warning on if this continues... for now, it's easily skippable if necessary, just continue with Can's POV.

Tin's POV

Softly blinking, Tin woke up and drowsily cuddled himself against the boy next to him.

He had taken a bit to come down from all the excitement of the evening and finally falling asleep, but once he had heard Can's soft breathing next to him, it had calmed him and he had slept through the night surprisingly comfortably.

When he had first come here, he had complained that the bed was too small compared to the one he was used to from his home – not even a teenager and he had already been so entitled. And now he didn't mind sharing this small bed with someone else.

He had woken up before the alarm and he still felt refreshed. This hadn't happened in a while.

Hang on.

It was already almost daylight outside... and it was Sunday.

They hadn't set an alarm.

8 o'clock at the theory room.


Tin sat up abruptly, making Can next to him stir sleepily.

He felt for his watch on the night stand and his panic got a bit more acute. It was almost half past seven already. They had a little over half an hour to get ready and hurry over to the football complex.


They should have taken the time to change out of their day clothes at least before going to bed, Tin felt dirty and crumpled. His face must look horrible, too.

He pulled away the blanket, to Can's loud protests and shook him awake for good measure.

"Can! Can! Hurry! We only have half an hour!"

At first, Can looked back at him annoyed and unhurried, then the last bit of information seemed to reach him and he jumped out of the bed as well.

Tin was a little perplexed at Can's sudden bustling activity, after having just woken up. Can opened his wardrobe to pull out a clean set of uniform pieces and fresh underwear – Tin remembered how he had mocked him yesterday for just picking at random, as if he was carefully choosing now... not the point.

Can turned to him and pulled at his arm.

"Come on, hurry up. If we take a shower quickly now, we can even make it on time."

Tin did a double take.


He didn't mean...

Almost characteristically, Can rolled his eyes at him.

"Have you never shared a shower before?"

"What, have you?"

Tin didn't like the idea of Can sharing a shower with anyone other than himself – now or in the past.

Can sighed.

"Hello? Football player? Training camps don't always have enough facilities for everyone to wait their turn. Besides... aren't you my boyfriend? Maybe I want to see you naked, too."

Sometimes, Can's bluntness could hit him like a punch.

"That's exactly the reason why we can't," Tin said with a slight whimper in his voice, "we're in a hurry."

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