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⚠️ warning ⚠️:

Foul language

Leon, Darren and Eric all left to their bedrooms hours before Michael.

He stumbles in the hallway toward his bedroom with a liquor bottle in his hand. His vision felt fuzzy as he squints his eyes to see more properly although it wasn't doing anything. He still managed before he hits his face against a wall. "Fuck.. you..." Michael slurs while backing up as he raise his bottle in the air and smacks the wall as if it was a person. "You bumped ... into me.. first! You fucking...asshole...!" Michael stumbles away before he trips on his shoe lace. The liquor bottle rolls away as Michael closes his eyes. "Comfy..." He says before drifting off to slumber on the wooden flooring.

Michael woke up to someone poking him hard against his left side. He grabs the object and pulls it, jerking Janet to fall forward.. "What the fuck!" Janet yells as she laid on top of Michael. Michael groans.

"That's what you get for being a pain..." Michael mutters with his eyes close. He smiles knowing that'll piss Janet off even more. His sister was a pain but he knew how to set her off.

Janet smacks his back causing Michael to open his eyes and pull his sister's ear. "Hey!" She whimpers as Michael snickers.

"You got some big ass ears." He laughs while letting go. Janet smacks his shoulder roughly.

"I'm telling mom." Janet says.

"Like she will be doing anything about it. She doesn't care about any of us, Janet. Give it a break." Michael laughs. " you know that all she cares about is money and business. She doesn't have time for us, Janet and you know it."

"Then I'll tell dad." Janet pouts.

"Dad isn't here, Janet. It's been days and he still hasn't shown up yet. He could be... you know.. the 'D' word and we wouldn't know it."

"No, he isn't! He isn't dead! Have some fucking faith in him, Michael!" Janet snaps back as Danny came toward them.

"Michael, you have a visitor. They will be waiting for you in your father's office. It's important that you'll hold a conference with everyone else. Mrs. Jackson have already received what has been happening and will be flying back to Gary in a day." Danny replies as he hands Michael a small note. Michael places it in his pant's pocket and nods.

"Thank you. You are dismissed for now. Have everyone gather in the garden for the conference. Please make sure that my sister attends as well and call my brothers to arrive as well. I'll be down there shortly." Michael demands as he stands up. He felt the wave of a hangover once he stands up and walk back while placing his fingers against his temples. "Shit.. I shouldn't have drank that whole bottle of tequila with Eric."

Janet jumps up on her feet and walks toward the garden before everyone else makes it there. Danny walks toward the front gate to stand watch as he normally does.

Michael heads toward his father's office as a man stood by his father's desk. Michael shuts the door behind him as he went toward the man.

"Mr. Michael Jackson. It's a pleasure to finally meet with you." The man says as he reaches out his hand. Michael grasps the man's hand and shakes it.

"The pleasure is all mine so what can I do for you, Mr..?" Michael replies with a smile.

"Ah, Mr. Davidson. Detective Davidson. Sorry for not introducing myself more properly anyways.. my men has gather some intel and found that your father was indeed held captive..." Mr. Davidson announces.

"Knew that. Tell me more." Michael demands.

Mr. Davidson's eyes open before he fixes his tie and clears his throat. He hesitates but breathes deeply. "We have found that he and a young woman were being held in the same building before they  both managed to escape. I'm not sure what happened but we have sadly found your father's body... I already have a few of my men on the case to see what happened. The young woman that was last with your father has also gone missing, we are on high alert to find her but nothing has came forward yet. Once my men and the men that you sent us, finds her or any more information, you will be the first to know."

Michael breathes heavily as he sits down and closes his eyes.

"Michael.. are you alright? Do you want me to continue?" he adds. Michael nods his head as a response. He could feel the sadness building up. His throat drying up.

"Go on..." Michael chokes up.

This was the only words that Michael was waiting for. The report of his father being murdered so he can have some closure from his father's sudden disappearance and now he knows what will happen next.

"Well.. the men that I have on the case are suggesting that your father might have enemies who were willing to commit these crimes. They already have Al Capone as a target." Mr. Davidson says. "But... they lost sight of him including his men. We do have a possible lead on the young woman. A bookstore clerk nearby the outskirts of the city. She wants to talk. This could be the only information that we might get from the girl."

"How much does she want? I'll pay for it." Michael blurts out.

"She wants nothing in return." He says.

Michael opens his eyes. "If this can find the girl. The last person who my father was last with. This could bring my family and myself the closure that we deserve and if she had any involvement with my father's murder, she will suffer along with her family. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir." Mr. Davidson replies.

"You may leave and please close my door on your way out." Michael demands. Mr. Davidson nods his head before he walks out the office quickly and closes the door shut behind him.

Michael stands up before flipping the coffee table with his shoes. Michael walks toward the shelves to knock everything off before smashing his fist through the wall. He removes his hands before getting on his knees while he cries from the anger and sadness that he built up inside.

Michael wipes the tears from his cheeks as he walks toward the garden. His pulls his leather jacket to fix its composure as the doors swing open to reveal the crowd of people waiting for him. Michael walks through the crowd and into the middle.

"Mr. Joseph Walter Jackson, my father.. your leader was murdered." Michael chokes up as he refrains his posture to keep himself strong. Do not show them your weakness, Michael. Michael breathes heavily. "Those who have witness or even committed the crime will be killed by my own hands. This will not go away that quickly. They will pay for everything that they have done to my family and our business. My father's death will not go unnoticed." Michael shouts. His eyes met Janet's as she was wept uncontrollably from the news.

I'm sorry, Janet.

"I am now your new boss. You will all listen to what I say and do what you are all told to do. That is all. Please go back to your duties as my family and I mourn our Father's lost. I'll be hosting a dinner party once my mother returns home to celebrate Joseph's life. The funeral arrangements will also begin. That is all." Michael says as everyone walks out of the garden while weeping. Michael walks toward Janet and pull her into a tight hug.

"Daddy..." Janet cries. "How did you know?"

"I was informed just a few moments ago...I'm so sorry, Janet. I'm so sorry." Michael cries into his sister's shoulder. He brushes his sister's hair as she wept as well.

The siblings held onto one another for what felt like hours was only a few moments as the weeping crew began to leave the garden abandoning them to the sound of their crying and whimpering.

At this very moment, they felt like they were truly alone.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now