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Michael stares out the window as his eyes wander around Gary's night skyline. He exhales heavily before flipping the quarter onto his palm and places it on the back of his hand. He moves his hand off of it as tails were shown. He chuckles. "Ruin their date? The fate of the universe wants me to ruin their date. Unbelievable..."

Michael stood up from his windowsill and walks over to his closet to pull out a jacket from the inside. He throws it around onto his body and slides his arms inside the sleeves before grabbing a black fedora from the top shelf. He places it on his head before walking out of his room and toward Darren's room that was down the left hallway. He knocks on the door lightly before the door opens as Darren stares back at him sleepily. He scratches his head.

"What's wrong?" Darren yawns as he stretches his arms out. His eyes blink slowly as he tries his efforts on trying to wake up

"I need you to get ready and take me downtown... my brother shouldn't be out in public since after that attack from Capone's men. I just don't have a good feeling about it since he's alone with the girl and they know that we have her as well. I'm just worried..." he says as Darren nods his head.

"Alright, let me get ready really quick and you can just go start the car in the garage and park it near the main gate. Let the guards know where we are going. I'll be out in a bit, I just gotta kick this woman outta my bed before we go." Darren replies. Michael smiles before turning around and heads over to the garage where the 1942 black Volvo was inside.

Within a few minutes from walking, Michael opens the door and steps inside as he opens the glass door which has several other keys inside to the several cars that the Jackson family and their crew owns. Michael picks out a silver key that was labeled with the year and the car brand on the side. Michael smiles as he raises it upward as the light shines on it. "Perfecto.." he whispers amongst himself as he closes his left fist with the key inside as he walks past the several cars inside until he reaches the black Volvo. He unlocks the entire vehicle by placing the key into the slot, turning it before pulling it out and opens the door. He sat on the driver's seat as he puts the key into the ignition and closes the door in the progress.

He puts on his seatbelt and reversed the car as he drove out of the garage toward the main gate as he pulls up, Darren was already standing there patiently as he spoke to the guard that was on duty. Michael rolls down the window. "Do you want to drive, D?" Michael asks as both men look at Michael. Darren nods his head before reaching into his pocket to grab his wallet. He pulls out a hundred dollar bill and hands it to the guard.

"Don't say shit especially to his family. They would kill me if they found out. You know his mother." Darren says in a loud whisper as the guard smirks before putting the money into his pocket.

"You got it, Mr. Butera." The guard says before walking away. Darren opens the door for Michael as he has gotten out of the driver's side and walks around the car to the passenger side. He opens the door, gets inside then puts on his seatbelt at the same time that Darren does as well.

"Do you have an idea of where they could be?" Darren asks before driving into the street.

"Not a single clue but I'm sure that we will find them, she isn't that hard to find in a crowd and I'm sure she isn't that hard to find on a street. They are basically the only two jackasses that are out here this late at night." Michael chuckles. Darren glances over to him with a slight smirk. Michael looks back at him and raises his eyebrow. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Michael asks him.

"Do you have feelings for this girl or what? Because to me, it sounds like you do. Michael.. if you like her, you should tell her and it isn't that hard to do so... I know you and I know your heart. You aren't that much of a bad guy that you try to display yourself to be." Darren says before Michael smacks Darren's chest as a protest. His face hardens with a bit of anger.

"I do not like her! Have you seen the way she looks? She's ugly and stupid." Michael says as he looks away from Darren. His face softens as he blinks several times. His eyes wander out the window.

Darren chuckles as he smiles. "I can see your face from here. You are in awe with that woman and it's a shame that you can't have her. Most likely, Marlon will probably ask her to be his girl if not soon. You should try to warm up to her, get to know her then fuck her. She doesn't seem to be a future Jackson wife and your mother will probably refuse to acknowledge her a don's wife since she already has an engagement lined up for you with an Italian woman in London. I mean it is your choice and I know if you want something, you will try your hardest to get whatever it is that you wanted."

Michael looks back over to Darren. "You are right about that. If I want something, I will fight for it and for her, she isn't worth fighting, for now, can we just drop this conversation so I can mentally prepare to beat my brother's ass for leaving the manor?" He says. Darren rolls his eyes.

"Sure..." Darren replies as he kept his eyes focused on the road. Michael looks away and looks down at his hands that were laid in a fist on his lap.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now