26. Before

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30 minutes before...


Marlon scans the crowd as he held on to the smallest amount of hope that Evanora will show up. Marlon can see Michael by the bar as he consumes large amounts of alcohol. Marlon rolls his eyes before his eyes catch the glimpse of a woman similar to Evanora's features, walk past him in a red dress.

He felt a lump in his throat as he tries to speak to the woman but gave up defeated by his anxiety. "Forget it... that is definitely not Evanora." He whispers low enough for just himself to hear. Marlon sighs heavily before glancing over to the group of women that surrounds the women in the red dress. His eyes wander back to bar where Michael was moments before but was no longer there but now standing with the group of women as he was already kissing the mysterious woman's hand before they both headed to the dance floor. Marlon raises his eyebrows as he began to walk closer as he watches them dance with another. Marlon sighs heavily as he walks past the two dancing as he headed toward the second floor.

Once there, He opens the window and steps through then sat on the roof as he watches the stars. He smiles at the moment where a star flew across the nighttime sky until his heart sank when Evanora enters his mind. He places his head between his knees.

He takes every thought that he held onto over the past couple of hours that led up to the party until he heard a couple of footsteps in the hallway which immediately captures his attention. He looks around in surprise.

Marlon carefully crawls toward the open window and steps back inside as he began to follow the noise. He can still hear the footsteps going up to the third floor until he heard nothing.

"Hello? Who's up here?" He calls out once Marlon reaches the third floor and looks around in the hallway until he sees a door left wide open that led to the rooftop. "Weird... that is never open..." he mutters as he felt goosebumps spread across his entire body as fear enters his body.

He pulls out his pistol from his belt as he climbs up the stairs that led to the rooftop. He pushes the door open as his eyes immediately glance upward as the woman from before and Michael's lips were locked against each other. Marlon drops his pistol to the ground as they pulled away from another as the rush of anger and betrayal flooded his body once they removed their masks to reveal who they are. The woman is the red dress was Evanora.

"Evanora...? Michael...?" was all that he has managed to say as they both looked toward him. "How could you...?" He says as he looks toward Michael before clenching his fists. "How fucking could you?!" Marlon yells as he runs toward Michael with his fist raised. Michael immediately snaps into being sober as he grabs Marlon's arm and flips him to the ground before sitting on top of him to hold him down. Evanora steps backward with her eyes widen.

Marlon punches Michael and forces him off of his body before standing back on his feet with his fists raised. "You know that I fucking love her and here you go, you couldn't handle your own fucking dick and wouldn't allow me to be happy?! You kicked her out of the house and once she comes back, you fucking kissed her?! You are the fucking devil in disguise even under that mask, it wouldn't hide who you truly are, bastard!" Marlon yells at Michael. Michael punches Marlon's left cheek.

"Shut the fuck up, I was drunk! How could have I also knew who she was behind that mask?" Michael snaps back as he held on to his belt where his pistol dangles on.

A crowd of the attendees began to show up on the rooftop as they began to watch what was be folding. Janet immediately runs to Evanora's side along does the other two sisters. Marlon glares at his brother before Darren and Leon both manages to pull Michael off of Marlon to hold him back. Eric got in front of Marlon as well before Marlon tried to charge back at Michael. "You are so fucking lucky that your little minions are blocking me otherwise, I would fucking kill you for what you have done."

"Oh shut the fuck up, you are too much of a pussy to kill anything." Michael shouts back at Marlon.

"Enough!" A familiar voice calls out as the attendees fell silent as they move out of the way as Katherine steps through the crowd with a young woman and an older couple following behind her. Michael and Marlon immediately look toward their mother as she glares at both of them. "How dare you both act like children at a formal event in your sister's honor? Especially when your mother has finally come home with house guests?! I'm embarrassed! I thought that your nannies raised you both better especially you, Marlon. I'm disappointed in the both of you." Katherine adds.

Michael's eyes widen as his eyes met with the young woman that his mother sent him pictures of. "Victoria..." Michael mutters, he quickly looks down to avoid eye contact with her. Katherine immediately walks toward Michael to grab him by his jawline and makes him look back up at Victoria and her family behind her. Victoria smiles back at Michael as she and her mother curtsy at Michael as her father bows down to him as a formal 'hello'.

"There is our future, my son. The expansion of our family business."

Evanora looks over to Janet as she held the same expression as Michael. She leans in closer and whispers "who is she and what is your mother talking about?"

Janet looks at her dumbfounded and back to the young woman named Victoria. "That is Michael's fiancée. Victoria Casacci."

Evanora glances over at Michael as he looks back at her as their eyes locked with one another.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now