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"We need to find them. Right now. Sitting down on our asses isn't going to bring them back." Michael shouts as he slams his fists against the table in complete anger. "I should have stopped them... I could have stopped them.." Michael adds as he began to breathe heavily. Katherine places her hand against his back before Michael smacks her hand away. "Don't fucking touch me!" He yells. "Do you know how much that fucking manor cost me? I bought it for you, mother and you burned it to the fucking ground instead of fighting back!"

Katherine slaps Michael across his cheek as her eyes began to water. Michael slowly looks back up as he held on to his cheek and glared directly at his mother. "Do not ever speak to me like that ever again, Michael. I am still your mother regardless of what happened! The manor can always be rebuilt in the future and we still have our money but your family can not be brought back. So I advise you to speak to us how you would want to be treated because I did not raise you like that." Katherine yells at Michael as a door closes shut, they both glance over to see Darren holding onto a blue blanket as he walks toward them. Michael walks past his mother as he quickly walks over to Darren.

"Well, what happened, and what is that?" Michael asks he reaches Darren. Michael looks down at the blanket as Darren opens it slowly to reveal an infant inside.

"Samantha had her baby..." Darren replies as Katherine walks over to them. Her eyes began to water.

"No... no... please don't tell me.." Katherine whimpers as she reaches the group. Michael looks at his mother with concern as he came to a realization once Darren's face drops. Katherine began to shake as she began to cry. "She can't be gone! Not my dearest friend... I can't be alone." Katherine cries.

Michael felt his throat immediately dry up as he reaches out for the child. Darren hands the baby over as Michael began to cry. Katherine screams as she cries loudly.

"The baby doesn't have a name. She didn't name him before she passed away and he's alone without his parents, I'm sure she that they don't have any other family members besides their dead relatives so I thought you, Michael." Darren says as Michael stares down at the baby in awe. "So.. what are you gonna name the kid?" Darren asks as Michael looks back at him then at the baby before looking back at Darren with a raised eyebrow.

"I get to name him?" Michael responds. Darren nods his head in reassurance. Michael looks back down at the baby with a smile. "From this day forward, your name is... is it a boy or a girl?" Michael asks while looking back at Darren.

"I think it's a boy if I remembered correctly when the cops took us to the hospital for him to be checked on." Darren responds as Michael looks back down at the baby.

"Well, my boy... your name is official, Mason Michael Joseph Jackson."

"Really, Michael?" Darren mumbles as he crosses his arms against his chest. Michael rolls his eyes as he looks back at Darren.

"Yes, really. He is my adoptive son and you said that I can name him so I named him after me and my father." Michael responds.

"Why not, Mason Daniel Jackson? Daniel was Danny's actual name and that is his biological father." Darren suggests as Michael looks back at the baby.

"Fine but I think my name was better but for Danny, anything. From here on out, your name is Mason Daniel Jackson. You are the adoptive son of the Don Michael Joseph Jackson and the grandson of the late Joseph Jackson and the living, Katherine Jackson. Your biological parents were the late Daniel and Samantha Arbor. Welcome to the family, my son.." Michael announces as he rocks the child to sleep as Katherine walks toward Mason and Michael. She brushes the tiny amount of hair on Mason's tiny head before she places her hand against Michael's cheek. Michael steps back as he glares at his mother in disapproval before he walks away from his mother.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now