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Darren, Leon and Eric finally made it to Gary's outskirts of the city. They all look similar to a homeless man's appearance for being out in the roads for the last three days after their mission ended tragically. Danny was dead and so was half of their crew. The only people who were in their minds was Michael and Marlon's disappearances during their raid. "How much longer?!" Leon says as he could feel his feet dragging against the dirt beside the road.

"We are almost there. Stop asking that same question over and over again." Darren answers with anger in his voice. Leon groans loudly as Eric could feel his throat drying up and his lips cracking. The last time, they had all drank anything was a day ago but their hunger ranged on for three days.

"I am so fucking hungry and thirsty! I just want to go home to the fucking manor so I can eat up a big ass meal and drink some booze." Leon says angrily. Darren punches Leon's arm.

"Don't forget water, you alcoholic. We all want to go home so quit your bitching." Darren interrupts Leon. "We are almost there. I can see the gas station. We just only have one block to go then we will be home to our families, to the Jackson family. We can deal with Katherine later." Darren adds as they all turn the corner to see parts of the Jackson manor on fire. "Oh my fucking god!" Darren yells as all of the boys look toward the flames that were building upward on the roof.

"Get to the manor!" Eric yells as all of the boys besides Leon runs toward the manor. Leon pouts as he slowly follows them.

"So long for the meal." He grumbles.

"Come on, you bum!" Eric's voice yells out for Leon. Leon grumbles as he picks up the pace and began to run after his friends as they were getting closer to the manor.

"We can still save the manor, boys! The safe is probably not even hit yet by the fire so if we can just-"

"Katherine!" Darren yells out as he runs toward Katherine laying on the ground, coughing hysterically, as she held on to a briefcase. Darren bends down beside her as he helps her sat up. She turns around and closes her eyes as she sees the home that she and her husband had built for their family, burning right behind her.

"My home..." she whispers softly as her voice still crack. "It is gone..."

Darren gets on his knees and hugs her tightly as she places her face against his shoulder.

"I don't have my two sons, my husband is dead, our home is on fire and we lost half of our crew. Why did you allowed my two sons to be missing?! Your jobs were to protect them but you failed and now my sons are no where to be seen. Now my youngest daughter is searching for them both, putting her own life in danger! You all have knew Michael since you were all young adults, how can you all allowed this to happen? I am extremely disappointed in you all and if my sons and daughter are to be dead, I will put a bullet in each of your heads for the lives that you had lost because you couldn't do one simple job."

"Ma'am..." Leon interrupts as his eyes were widen and he was pointing over to the main entrance.

"Do not ma'am me, Leon."

"Mrs. Jackson... I think what Leon is trying to say is look behind you." Eric acknowledges as Darren looks away from Katherine and Katherine turns around to see Michael holding Janet in his arms. His expression drops when he realizes that the house that he and his siblings were all born in were in flames. He looks over to his mother in fear and quickly place Janet on the ground softly before running over to his mother to embrace her tightly. Their cries for one another burst from the days that Michael and Marlon was taken away.

"Where is the others?" Katherine cries. "Marlon?"

"He was taken right under our noses along with Evanora." Michael answers with sadness. He knew that his mother wouldn't care for Evanora as they have never met properly but he knew at that exact moment that he needed to express his feelings for her. His true feelings.

"Evanora?" Katherine asks with an eyebrow raised. Michael sighs heavily as he felt another side of him not explaining who she was but there is no going back now.

"Evanora. She is the woman that I allowed into our home. She was the last person to see father before his life was taken away from us. She was with Marlon and he loved her but she didn't loved him.. because she loves me. She loves me for who I am and I love her. Mother.. I understand that right now isn't a good time considering the circumstances at the moment but please... reconsider my marriage from Victoria and allow me to marry the only woman that I truly love. She may not be a Mafia family's daughter and come from downtown Chicago with an ordinary family but an ordinary family is what I want a woman to come from. She's my soulmate so please, can I have your blessing to marry Evanora Sanito?" Michael asks his mother as she began to smile and drop her suitcase.

"Yes.. you can marry, Ms. Evanora. Michael, you have made me realize that you deserve to be actually happy. Your father and I made you suffer throughout your childhood and your early adult life especially the transition to being a Don. This woman has changed you for the better and for that, I am allowing you to marry whoever that pleases you." Katherine replies as Michael's eyebrows raises in astonishment.

"Seriously, mother?" Michael says in shock. He could feel the heavy guilt being lifted off of his chest as his mother nods her head, still smiling. He pulls her in for a tight hug. "Thank you, mother..." he adds as Katherine began to cry into shoulder. He looks up to see his best friends excited for him as they cheered behind Katherine then up at the burning manor before placing his face into his mother's neck.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now