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The following morning...

Evanora's eyes burn once Janet pull the curtains open. She grabs her pillow to place it on her face to block the light as she groans. "Please, close the curtains.."

Janet rolls her eyes as she picks up the pillow and smacks her in the face before pulling off her blanket. "Sorry, can't. I'm under Rebbie's order to wake you up so we can decorate the hall for Latoya's birthday." Janet replies as Evanora sighs before sitting up and stretches her arms.

"Hey... can I talk to you for a bit before we go?" Evanora says as she moves her legs to the side of the bed as Janet raises her eyebrow.

"I mean... sure but we have to hurry up with this conversation. Rebbie will get mad if we're late." Janet says as she sat down beside her. Evanora nods her head as a response. "So what do you wanna talk about?" Janet adds as her eyes linger on Evanora's. Evanora felt a lump in her throat as she tries to swallow.

"Um... so... I.... have you fell in love with someone that you never expected it to be but you don't know if it's actual love or lust?" Evanora says softly. Janet furrows her eyebrows as she came closer to her.

"What do you mean by that?" Janet replies confuse. Evanora bites her lower lip before she stands up and claps her hands together, Janet jumps at the sound.

"Never mind that! We have to get the party set up!" Evanora says happily as she smiles before she looks through their walk-in closet as she looks through her side of clothing that Janet bought for her with their family's money. "I'm thinking about wearing just a nice yellow, white belted dress with a pair of white heels?" She says as she pulls out the dress and reaches up for the pair of heels before a hand appears to be reaching for it. She gasps as she turns her head to the side as Marlon held on to her heels by his fingers.

"Hey there" He says while his lips curve into a smile as he looks at her heels as he held it. "You needed these?" Evanora reaches out for her heels before Marlon raises it higher. She glares at Marlon as she begins to jump up for her heels. "Nope, you aren't getting these until you answer my question from last night." Marlon adds as he places her heels back on the top shelf before taking her dress then place it on the table that was placed in the middle of the room with a white vase as white roses were inside.

"I haven't gave it much thought, Marlon. I just have other things clogging up my mind. I'm sorry... I'm sure that I will have an answer by tonight after Janet and I are finished decorating for Latoya's birthday bash." Evanora replies as her eyes dart to the door opening where Janet stood there with her arms crossed as she watches. Janet shakes her head as she turns around and walks away.

"C'mon ... you can't make me wait any longer. Everyone is already suggesting that we are beside my ma and Michael but that's Michael, he doesn't care about anyone but himself, our family and the business and Ma? She doesn't even know who you are. C'mon! Once she does know, she will probably agree for us to get married!" Marlon says with a grin while taking Evanora's hands.

She felt her heart drop. Her face changes to sadness as she moves her hands away from Marlon. She felt her throat suddenly drying away as she grabs the dress. Getting married? Is he a psycho? We barely even know one another.

"Please... Marlon... leave. I need to get ready." She says as her back was turned to Marlon while she fought the tears from beginning to form. She heard Marlon's footsteps walking away which gave her a clear sign as she begins to cry.

Michael brings his fingers against his forehead as he held on to the pen while he read another business contract. Darren enters the room with an envelope and hands it to Michael. "Place it right on top of the other pile that's next for me to look through.." Michael demands as he looks up. Darren nods his head as he places it on the pile before sitting in front of him.

"Before you read the inside of the envelope... I just want you to know if you are sure that you are okay with what we are going to do with the girl." Darren says as Michael sighs heavily.

"I'm sure ... I'm sure about it just please drop the conversation because if you are trying to convince me otherwise will not change my mind." Michael answers him as he signs the document and moves it to the side while grabbing the envelope to rip it open.

E. Sanito's family is located in 7734 W 14th St, Chicago, Illinois. Father is a local baker in the area as her mother is an unemployed housewife.
- Luca

Luca is Walter's trusted employees who is fast to get the work done. Michael looks up from the letter to Darren. "Luca found her family? Already?" Michael says in shock as Darren nods his head.

"Luca can get the job done with his local connections in Chicago and also her father owes debt to other families especially to Al Capone so he was an easy find for Luca. So what do you want to do now since you got the heads up?" Darren says calmly as he sat back in his chair. "Will she stay or leave?"

"She's leaving tonight after I pay her family a little visit." Michael says as he smirks while putting the letter inside of his coat while standing up. "As a matter of fact, get Leon and Eric to come, Eric will be driving also notify Danny to pack her stuff and the house staff to remove her bedding and such. She'll be leaving before we arrive back home. Do not tell my family of her departure or I will hang you up from your ankles by a rope so now go!" Michael demands as he walks out of the room while Darren runs behind him as he runs off to find Leon and Eric.

Samantha walks into Michael's office shortly after the boys left the room. She walks toward his desk while grabbing the same envelope that Michael was reading a few moments ago. "So... he's trying to get rid of her? He can try that but I will not let that happen and most definitely, this is hurting him more than he thinks..Poor girl... poor Janet ..." Samantha says softly as she walks toward a picture frame of young Michael and his father. "You've changed so much, Michael..."

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now