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Marlon reads the label of the whiskey bottle and sniffs it after popping it open as he glances over to Victoria who sat on the chair across the room as she stares around the room. Marlon sighs heavily as he looks down to the glass that sat on the counter and he sighs once more before tipping the bottle to pour the whiskey. " Pabst Blue Ribbon. It seems fancy, doesn't it?" He chuckles amongst himself. Victoria remains silent as she glances at the floor. His mind couldn't seem to let go of Evanora, Michael and their kiss on the rooftop.

Night after night, he prayed for a miracle that she would run back into his arms and say that it was nothing more than just an accident but even if it was.

Seven words came into his mind...

Would he be able to forgive her?

Marlon takes the two glasses and brought it over to Victoria. He hands her one just as she reaches her hand out for the glass. Marlon glances over to her. "So what brought you to America other than your intentions on marrying my brother?" He asks her as he raises the glasses to the bottom of his lip.

She smiles at her glass. "I do have family here but we aren't on very good terms with them. Papa isn't too fond of his relatives or of their career choices however I do love my cousin, Franklin." She replies as Marlon takes a drink out of his glass. Marlon raises an eyebrow before drinks out of the glass. "So about your brother? Michael? How well is his ability for defense along with using a handgun if let's just say a robbery occurs in the manor or in your family's warehouse?" Victoria asks as she smiles lightly at Marlon and places the glass on the glass coffee table in front of her. Marlon glances at Victoria with confusion.

"Why are you asking me that? Of course, he is. He was trained for his position since he was just a child. He isn't a beginner at using any sort of weapon. He's quite advanced. I'm pretty sure if we were head to head, he would get the first shot and for self-defense, the man has some skills. Believe me. You are in good hands with my brother. He can definitely whoop some ass if needed." Marlon replies as Victoria nods her head slowly before taking another sip of the whiskey.

"So... I've heard a bit of your now ex-girlfriend. What happened?" Victoria asks as Marlon rolls his eyes and places the glass on the coffee table. Marlon leans in closer with his two pointer fingers against his lips before pointing them both in her direction as he sucks in his cheeks in annoyance due to her nosiness. He sighs heavily.

"Look here, Victoria. That's none of your fucking business. Whatever happened between us, happened between us and I rather keep it that way rather than having a complete stranger placing their nose where it doesn't belong so please... never ask me that question again before I have to pay my little sister to do me a little favor which will involve you, getting your ass whooped by her. Understood? Great." Marlon says with a half-smile before getting up as he picks up his glass to walk out of the room until he bumps into Evanora.

Evanora smiles at Marlon as Marlon managed to avoid spillage. He glances at Evanora coldly before walking forward toward his bedroom. Marlon's mind spun back to his question that he asked himself earlier. His answer was never. He will never be able to forgive her even if she would beg on her knees.

Evanora enters the boys' man cave and spots Victoria sitting alone on the sofa as she drank from her glass of whiskey. Evanora knocks on the wall, startling Victoria, before entering. "Sorry if I am intruding on your quiet time. Do you mind if I come in and give you some company?" Evanora asks her. Victoria nods her head.

"No, I don't mind. Please, come in. I would really like to have some friendly faces around since everyone else either tries to ignore me or they just hate me." Victoria answers as Evanora walks toward her and sat down beside her. "What's your name?" She adds with a genuine smile.

"Evanora Sanito, but you can just call me Evanora. My friends call me E or Nora. My family calls me Evie sometimes." Evanora replies with a smile as well. "You must be Victoria. The bride to be." Evanora says nearly gagging, nearly.

"The one and only, Victoria Casacci. It is so nice to meet you, Evanora." She replies.

"The pleasure is mine. Hey, by chance have you seen your fiancé?"

Victoria shakes her head and sits back as she sighs heavily. "That man hasn't even introduced himself to me or taken me out on any dates and to be frank, my mother is becoming quite irritated by him. He knew about the engagement for a few months now and yet, he's still running around with the little whores that he has. He doesn't even act like he's engaged to be married. If I could be able to do the same, believe me, I would be on the first ship back to London and mess around with our old butler but I can't. Women are expected to stay loyal and to obey otherwise, our reputation would be ruined and my family wouldn't allow that to happen. This marriage is way too important for us to let it slip through the cracks. Does he hate me or something?" Victoria asks Evanora with a sadness looming over her face.

"To be honest with you, he hates everyone but I am certain that eventually, he will warm up to you. It'll just take some time." Evanora replies with a smile as she takes Victoria's hands into her own and pats it. Victoria smiles at the gesture before Michael strolls into the room. He immediately glares at Victoria before walking out of the room.

"I'll drink elsewhere.." he calls out leaving the two women in his life alone with one another. Evanora rolls her eyes. He is still mad at me.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now