2020 MJFA'S winner

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Uh... okay I think I'm good rn since it fully hit me now bc at first, I was in disbelief for a good hour since this was my actual first time winning an award LMFAO

I would post this on my wall board but uh... it's gonna be long asf

But here is my speech...

Thank u to the judges and the creator daddiescum of this year of the MJFA's for selecting my story as the best alternative universe story. I really didn't thought I would win, honestly, I was prepared to lose since I prepared for it once the nominations were announced since bigjuicyjackson was in the same category w me and I love her story as well and I would just like to dedicated my award to her bc just as much I deserve it, she does as well. She's an incredible writer. 😭😭❤️❤️

Go check out both daddiescum & bigjuicyjackson 's works if u haven't!

I would also like to thank my dearest friend, Tiffany who sat down w me during this process with each update that came up and gave me her absolute criticism and never gave up on me or this story. I know that I've already said this but I'm really grateful that u are in my life 😭❤️ I love u.

I had a few ups and downs with this story and honestly, I was gonna delete this story during the construction bc it was taking forever and it was making me mad asf but I'm actually glad that I pushed myself to continue writing this story.

To all of my readers both the new and OG... I love you all, thank u for giving this story a chance when it was first released back on December 23rd, 2018 and continue to support my stories throughout the last couple of years. I'm so grateful for literally each and everyone of you.

And I would also like to thank ... myself for not giving up and continuing to push myself as an author.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now