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Samantha smiles at her newborn baby as she was placing the child into the crib. "Sleep well, baby boy... I will see you soon." Samantha says as her finger was held by the infant. Samantha pulls her finger away as she began to walk toward the living room, closing the door behind her shut then walks toward the sofa in the middle of the living room. She sat down and laid down. "I hope Danny is okay..." Samantha says to herself as she sighs heavily. She felt a cool breeze enters through a open window and glances over to it. "I thought I closed that." Samantha says to herself as she gets up and walks over to the window and closes it before she could turn around, a clicking sound behind her goes off. She quickly turns to see Frankie standing there with his revolver pointed directly at her. Her eyes widen as she places her hands into the air.

"Hello, Sammy. It has been awhile since I have last seen you." Frankie says.

"What do you want, Frankie? Money? Drugs? Weapons?"

"What is up with this mafia? Offering drugs, money and weapons to save your fucking lives, you know that I don't want that shit. I want you to tell me where that fucking necklace is at so Victoria can be fucking happy and we can leave you all alone." Frankie responds as Samantha looks down at the ground, unaware of what he is talking about. "You don't know where that necklace is at...?" Frankie adds as Samantha shook her head a he rolls his eyes. "Well now... I guess I am just going to kill you."

Her eyes widen. "Please, don't. I have a baby and he needs me, please, don't."

Frankie smiles deviously. "Not my problem." He replies as he aims the revolver directly at her forehead. "Goodnight, sweet Samantha." He adds as he shoots the revolver, Samantha ducks quickly and ran directly to her dining room to hide underneath the table as shots continues to follow behind her. "Samantha!" Frankie coos. "You can't hide from me forever."

The baby in the next room began to cry. Samantha covers her mouth as Frankie walks around the table and stops directly beside her. Her eyes began to water as she tries to look for a quick escape route in her apartment. Frankie chuckles as he loads another round of bullets, Samantha immediately crawls out from underneath the table and runs directly to her bedroom as Frankie ran after her. She slams the door shut but was quickly opened by Frankie's foot.

"Do you really think I will let you go off easy with your baby, Samantha? You were there that night when Joseph killed my relatives." Frankie says angrily as he continues to aim the gun at Samantha.

"I wasn't there! Please, don't kill me or hurt the baby. Why would I kill those children? Please, don't!" Samantha cries out as Frankie shot her leg, Samantha screams as she fell to the ground, holding on to her wound as it began to bleed heavily as Frankie steps closer. Her baby continues to scream and cry in the next room. He grabs a fistful of her hair and pulls her head back.

"Do not fucking lie to me, Samantha. I read through Joseph's shit before I set that fucking manor on fire and you were one of the people who put a bullet through Victoria's sister head that night. Joseph saw you!"

"Think about my baby, our baby... please, he needs me." Samantha whispers as her eyes watered from the pain as she held on to her bleeding wound.

"Do you really think that I care about that fucking baby? No. I don't and I really don't care if he needs you because I want you six feet under instead. He will be better off without you." Frankie says as he pulls back the trigger. "Goodbye." He adds as he lets go of the trigger and shots Samantha in the head resulting in her immediate death. Frankie let go of her hair immediately as her eyes remain open as it stares at him in the eyes as a final tear fallen. "Have fun in hell, bitch."

The baby continues to cry as Frankie walks over her dead body and walks toward the front door to open it before stepping out of her apartment, leaving the now orphaned child alone with his mother's corpse.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now