The True Ending.

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Michael ran down the hallway of the warehouse after the invitation was handed to him hours before. He just wanted three things; Evanora and Marlon then kill Al Capone once and for all. Janet managed to follow behind Michael then Darren, Eric, and Leon. "Michael slow down!" Janet yells as Michael jumps over a knocked down table as he continues to run and pant loudly before slipping on the wet ground but managed to keep balance as he was knocked against the wall then ran off.

"Then keep up! I'm not slowing down! They're up there! She's up there with that fucker!" Michael yells as he quickly sprints up the stairs. Eric pants heavily as he stops for some air, Leon takes notice as he stays behind. Darren turns around as he stops running.

"Go on without us, Darren! I'll take care of Eric in case any of these fuckers show up!" Leon yells as Darren nods his head before he jogs after Michael and Janet.

Michael bursts through the rooftop's door and sees Evanora and Marlon being held by Al Capone's men. "Evanora!" Michael yells as he runs toward them before being knocked to the side by Frankie. Frankie sat on top of Michael's stomach.

"Missed me, Jackson?" Frankie says before punching Michael. Michael grunts as he tries his hardest to swing a few punches but misses as Frankie bashes his head against Michael's forehead. Michael could feel himself losing consciousness. Janet finally runs out of the doors and shot Frankie off of Michael.

"Get the fuck off of my brother!" Janet's voice screams as Michael groans once Frankie's now-deceased body fell off of Michael. Quickly, Michael gets back on his feet just as Al Capone walks out from the crowd of men that surrounded both Evanora and Marlon.

"Michael, please don't get any closer to us! He'll kill us if you do!" Evanora screams just as one of his men covers up her mouth. She licks the man's hand, the man lets go quickly to wipe off the saliva onto his pants before walking around Evanora to punch her cheek resulting Michael to go in absolute rage. Her eyes began to water as fear began to develop within her facial expression.

"How fucking dare you punch her! I am going to fucking kill you!" Michael shouts before Janet places her arm up to stop him.

"Michael... did you not just hear what Evanora said?" Janet says as Michael immediately glares at her and pushes her arm down back to her side.

"That fucker hit my fiancé . I am beyond livid to even care right now. I just want to beat his ass!" Michael yells as he nearly began to run directly toward the man as Al Capone places a pocket knife against Marlon's neck.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Michael... just think of how your mother would feel if a son of hers died because of her other son's actions. How could you live with yourself if you just ran over here ending your brother's life instantly along with your precious little whore." Al Capone says as it immediately captures Michael's attention.

"Leave them alone and just hand them over. I know that it is just me that you want." Michael demands which Al Capone smile instantly too. Janet glances at her brother in disbelief that he would hand himself over to their greatest enemy. Janet grabs her brother's hand as he looks over at her with a wink. Janet furrows her eyebrows.

"What are you planning to do?" Janet whispers to Michael as he looks back at Al Capone.

"I'm gonna kill him. Darren, Leon, and Eric all know the signal which is a smirk so immediately dash over to Evanora and Marlon so you can free them afterward, I need you to find cover and protect them at all costs. If I'm in trouble, don't risk your life to save mine. I'll be okay." Michael acknowledges with a whisper as Janet mutters the word 'okay'. "Wait for my signal." He adds as he steps forward, letting go of his sister's hand. Darren, Leon, and Eric finally made it up the steps as they watch Michael's surrender.

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