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Evanora peeks her head around the corner of the hallway as she watches Katherine walking down the hall as she smiles to herself. "Find Katherine, check. She's going to Michael's office, check. Am I hiding? No." Evanora whispers amongst herself before she moves away from the corner. "Now I am. Check."

Janet came beside Evanora and places her elbow on Evanora's shoulder. "What are you doing and why are you hiding? Janet asks Evanora as she gasps and jumps when Janet place her elbow on her shoulder.

"Holy- Janet, you scared me."

Janet giggles. "I'm sorry"

"I'm just keeping an eye on your mom right now. Have you heard anything about your brothers?" Evanora responds as Janet places her left hand on her left hip as she slants to the left side.

"Why? Did Michael asked you too? No, I haven't. Mother sent a search team and a few guys to recover the possible dead bodies there and get rid of them all before the pigs show up."

Evanora shakes her head. "He told me to stay away from her until he gets back but... he hasn't been back yet..." Evanora pauses in mid sentence as she bites her lower lip. "I'm worried about him, Janet. What if.. something bad happened to him? What if he's..." Evanora pauses once more. She could feel the tightness around her throat. The sudden drying.

"Evie..." Janet says as she wraps her arms around Evanora and hugs her tightly. "He'll be home soon. Everyone will be home. Darren, Leon and Eric will all be back. Please stay strong if not for me but for Michael. He needs your support the most." Janet adds. Evanora nods her head as a response.

* * *

Katherine sat down on Michael's office chair as she begins to look over her son's daily paperwork that he does during the night while everyone is already sleeping, he has always been a night owl especially when he was a child. She opens the middle drawer to discover a key inside. She picks it up and studies it before she turns around in the chair. She pulls herself toward one of the metal cabinets and inserts the key inside and pulls out the drawer to open unopened files. Katherine skims through most of them before placing it to the side before grabbing another, a envelope slips through the cracks of the file resulting in other papers to fall on the ground, annoyed, Katherine picks them all up and places it on the desk. She rips open the envelope as she notices Joseph's handwriting in the inside. She opens it up and skims through it.

Dear Michael,

By now, you have succeeded me and there is things that you are not aware of especially of why Al Capone is after our family.

You are already aware of how I became the Don but not fully, the Don that I had killed was Al Capone's eldest brother; Gustavo along with his family members that were inside the house that night including a young girl named; Caterina, one of his many younger female cousins.

There is also a necklace that you were given immediately after I had passed away and I hope that necklace stays in your hands as it used to belong to the Casacci family.

You will do well, my son and for the things that you have accomplished during your time in training. I just want you to be aware that I am very proud of you, my boy. You have proven to me, time and time again that you will be an excellent Don in the future and that future is now.

Please take care of your mother, your siblings and your future bride along with your children well. My time here as I write this letter to you is running low.

I love you, son.



Your father.

Katherine's eyes widen as she places the letter on the desk. Her mouth instantly slowly drops. "Victoria Casacci. She is related to Al Capone..." Katherine mutters amongst herself. The door slowly creeks open as Victoria enters the room with two large men beside her. Katherine jumps up from her chair before shoving the letter back inside the drawer. "Who are those men, Victoria and what do you want from us?!" Katherine shouts at her as Victoria held a smile spread across her face.

"Hello, Katherine... I'm afraid that you haven't met my cousin, Frankie Casacci.." Victoria says coldly as Frankie steps toward Katherine.

"Hello, Katherine..." Frankie acknowledges her with a devious smile.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now