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Tito sighs as Evanora puts the car in park as they finally pull up to the driveway. Tito pinches his fingertips to the bridge of his nose as he squeezes his eyes shut while shaking his head. "Remind me to never let you drive ever again. That was the worse two hours of my entire life. I feel so fucking nauseous..." He says as he was exhaling heavily. "C'mon... I'm sure Michael is expecting us considering how long we've been gone." He adds before taking off his seat belt and gets out of the car. Evanora does the same, she kept her handgun in her right hand as she follows behind Tito as they step into the center garden in the front of the manor.

Michael stood there with his arms against his chest glaring at both Evanora and Tito before his eyes wanders to Evanora's right hand as he spots the gun. Michael walks toward Evanora as he forcibly grabs the handgun and threw it to the side. "What the fuck, Evanora? Didn't I just told you to not use a fucking gun? Why didn't you listen to me? You could have gotten hurt and you know how I feel about you using a gun." Michael says angrily. Evanora looks toward Janet while she walks toward them before she stops dead in her tracks.

Evanora glances to Tito in distress. Tito sighs softly as he places his hand on his little brother's shoulder. Michael turns around in surprise as he folds his arms against his chest. "Little Mike, listen before you do something stupid. Yes, she used the gun. Yes, she's a pain in the fucking ass but you need to stop acting like Joseph and trust Evanora that she can handle using a weapon for defense. I trust her. I know that she can do this because I am teaching her on how to use it so please, listen to the pain in our asses and go with it. Okay?" Tito says as Michael glares at him.

"If she gets hurt, I will fucking kill you." Michael snaps back at his brother. "Do you understand me? If anything happens to her, you will regret this and you will be killed in the process." He adds before taking a deep breath then turns around to face Evanora. His face softens. "I trust you just promise me one thing?" Michael asks Evanora as her face lights up.

"Of course, what is it?" Evanora says with a smile. Michael leans in closer to her ear. His cool breath brushing against her ear.

"Don't disappoint me and don't make me regret it either." Michael says softly into her ear before he steps away. Tito coughs harshly before Michael glances at him as he held up an envelope. His left hand still wrapped up with Evanora's scarf. "What is that?" Michael asks him with his right eyebrow raised.

"I don't know.. should we open it?" Tito asks as Michael looks around as everyone's were glued at him for a response.

"Of course, you dumbass. Open it carefully. We'll destroy it properly shortly afterwards." Michael responds. Tito drops it to the ground as Darren drops to the ground, on his knees. He pulls out his pocketknife to open the envelope carefully without touching it with his bare hands.

"It's a letter..." Darren says as Leon hands him a pair of gloves. Darren puts on the gloves as he lifts up the letter and read out the sentences written on the page. "M.J. non fidarti di lei" Darren adds as he glances at Michael. "Do you know what that means?" Darren says as Michael shook his head. "Me either..." Darren adds as he places the letter back inside the envelope.

"I'm sure, I will be able to find someone to translate this letter." Michael says as Darren picks up the letter. "Put that somewhere safe. I'll have one of the Butlers telephone someone from Chicago or Kalamazoo. We need the best of the best to translate the meaning of this letter." Michael adds before Darren nods his head and walks toward Michael's office on the second floor. Michael turns around to face Evanora and crosses his arms as everyone began to walk away. Evanora rubs her left arm as she could feel Michael's eyes. Michael walks toward her as she began to walk backwards and stood against the cement wall. Michael places his right hand on the wall beside her as he leans in and stares into her eyes as she avoids eye contact.

"What's wrong now?" Evanora asks softly as Michael smiles.

"Nothing, I'm just wondering on how life would be with you because I want to marry you.." Michael says softly as he places his fingers against her cheek. "But as long as she's here. I don't know if that's even possible especially since Mother is here. We'll find a way. I know that we will." Evanora places her hand against his chest and smiles at Michael. He takes her hand and kisses her knuckles. "In our hearts, we're engaged to be married and someday that will be our reality."

"Or we can just elope." Evanora replies with a smile. Michael smiles back at her before he chuckles.

"I thought girls have always wanted a dream wedding?"

Evanora raises her right eyebrow and punches his arm softly. "Not every girl. Especially, this girl. Don't be stereotypical toward girls." Evanora scolds. Michael rolls his eyes before Evanora grabs his ear and pulls his face toward her as she pecks him on his lips, quickly before she pushes him away and runs away. Michael stood there dumbfounded before a smile appears on his face while his cheeks turns a bit rosy. His heart pounded against his chest and he could have sworn that it misses a beat. He turns around, still smiling as he walks back upstairs to where his office was located at. All on his mind was Evanora that night and the thoughts of eloping.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now