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tw// violence & short chapter

Michael fell on top of Marlon as they both were wrist bound together. The men from nearby snickers as they are enjoying every second of watching Joseph's children being held hostage especially, watching Marlon go ballistic. Their eyes were covered with handkerchiefs.

"Please let us go!" Marlon cries. Michael shakes his head in absolute annoyance. "I don't want to die..." Marlon adds through his tears.

"Marlon-!" Michael shouts at him. "If you don't shut your ass up, I swear to god. You are so fucking lucky that we are tied up together otherwise, I would give you something to cry about now man up. Don't let them see that you are coward." Michael adds before Marlon cries even more harder. Michael sighs heavily. "What am I going to do with you..."

Oscar stood beside a man with a cigarette in his mouth. "You know what to do, Oscar." Frankie chuckles as he hands Oscar a bat. "Give him the lesson that he deserves."

Oscar smirks as he takes the bat as two of Al Capone's men unties Marlon and tied him up on a chair against his own will, leaving Michael on the ground. "Take off that blindfold. I want him to watch me." Oscar demands as he lifts up the bat. Frankie takes off the blindfold from Michael's face and steps back as Oscar kicks Michael's chest. "Did you miss me, you bastard?" Oscar yells at Michael.

"Leave him alone!" Marlon yells as he tries to fight out of the rope that was holding his wrists together behind the chair. "Michael, fight back!" Marlon screams before Frankie grabs a man's lit cigarette and places it against Marlon's arm.

Michael groans in pain as Oscar continues to kick him around. "Do all you want to me, Oscar but please leave my brother alone, he isn't apart of this shit and you know that. Isn't that why I'm here? To get revenge for what I did to you and LaToya? Marlon is innocent. Just please leave him alone. I am what you want." Michael says through his pain. Oscar grins before walking toward Marlon and hits Marlon in his groin area. Marlon screams in pain. "I said.. leave.. my fucking brother alone, you dick!" Michael shouts as he staggers to get up. With all his might, he ran toward Oscar and plummets him into the wall. Michael fell back on the ground, landing on his back as Oscar rubs his head.

"You'll pay for that, Jackson." Oscar says as he drops the bat to the ground and stands above Michael, raising his fist in the air.

"Do your worst" Michael says as he chokes up blood and spits it out as he was in already in a daze.

Marlon closes his eyes and turns his head to the side to avoid watching but he could hear every moan and groan that Michael gave out. The fist hitting against Michael's face and the kicks being made against his body along with every hit that the bat hit against him to the point where it broke in half. Marlon shakes in fear as he shuts his eyes tightly while praying for this nightmare to end.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now