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Darren sticks out his thumb after his third attempt to get a car to pull over as Leon sat on the ground as the third car passed by. Angrily, Darren kicks the dirt as he flicks off the car. "How hard is it to get a damn car to pick us up?! Leon! your ideas suck, man! We've been out here for hours!" Darren says as he sat on the ground.

"Well, maybe we can walk to the nearest gas station as I've said before this idea." Leon replies as he stands up. Michael's fedora rested on top of his head. Darren stands up as he lets out a huge sigh.

"That is literally thirty miles away." Darren groans. "This is going to take fucking forever. Katherine is going to definitely kill us all if we don't hurry up back and let everyone know what happened. Katherine needs to get her sons back and here we are beside a main road in the middle of fucking nowhere."

"Well, it's worth the walk otherwise you'll be eaten by wolves!" Leon chuckles as he begins to walk. Darren catches up to him.

"There are no wolves in Illinois!"

"Who said there wasn't?" Leon replies as Darren opens his mouth to speak before a howl echoes from the distance. Leon chuckles. "Get walking, you clown." Darren crosses his arms as he follows Leon.

Leon glances at him with squinted eyes. "It's only been thirty minutes. Relax. We'll just walk to a gas station and call a taxi there. It's not a big deal." Leon says before Darren jumps in front of him in shock.

"Not a big deal! This is not a big deal! Have you forgotten who Katherine is? She'll fucking kill us both for having not one but two of her sons kidnapped and not to mention, Michael is the Don! The family and crew will go frantic and everything will be our fault because we weren't there for both of them, Leon!" Darren snaps back at him and pushes past him. Leon stumbles back before he turns around to watch Darren continue to walk away.

"Hey! Slow down!" Leon yells before he ran toward Darren to catch up.

* * * *

Katherine looks out the window from her master bedroom as she wore a red velvet nightgown with her hair pinned up. The fireplace in her bedroom crackle. She sighs heavily as she walks away from the window and saw her daughter, Latoya standing at her doorway with a bottle of wine as she knocks on the door softly. Latoya smiles at her mother and Katherine smiles back at her daughter before her expression changes back to sadness. "I brought you this wine, perhaps you can hopefully relax. They'll be home soon, Mother. They'll be okay." Latoya says as she enters the room and placed the wine on the side table. "Take a seat, Mother. You need to de-stress." Latoya adds as her mother nods her head as she weakly smiles at her daughter.

"I'm just afraid that what if they don't ever come back... just like your father and he turned up to be murdered. I can't lose Michael nor Marlon. They are my entire world, without them. I don't know what I will do. They're my babies." Katherine breaks down into tears as Latoya rubs her mother's back as they both sat down on the loveseat. Latoya takes a clean glass from underneath the glass coffee table. She stands back up on her feet to pour her mother's wine. The red alcoholic beverage fills the glass to the top. Latoya hands her mother the glass.

"They'll be okay. Michael is a fighter and so is Marlon. Don't you worry about them, Mother. I know my brothers. They'll fight especially for their lives." Latoya says as she tries to comfort her mother. Her mother stares at her wine and back at Latoya with no expression on her face.

"But....What if they don't..." Katherine replies. LaToya sat beside her mother and rubs her back as her mother wept uncontrollably.

"They will come back, mother. Just believe in them both." LaToya says as her mother tries her hardest to calm down her nerves. "I believe in them." LaToya adds with a smile on her face. Katherine places her hand on her daughter's face before kissing her forehead.

"You have your father's smile." Katherine wept happily as LaToya stand back up on her feet and kisses her mother's cheek.

"Sleep tight, Mother. We'll see them in the morning." LaToya says as her mother nods her head and sat down on her bed to lay down as LaToya leaves her mother's bedroom, closing the door behind her shut as she walks down the stairs to her own bedroom across from Janet. She spots Janet on her knees before her window as she stares outside with a worried expression. LaToya knocks on her door and steps inside once Janet glances over at her with tears streaming down her face. "Are you okay, little sis?" She asks as Janet immediately shakes her head. "Is it about Michael and Marlon?" Janet immediately nods her head as LaToya walks over to her and sat beside her as she wraps her arms around Janet to allow her to cry into her shoulder. LaToya pats Janet's back and rubs it every so often as she whispers "they will be okay...".

Janet began to cry a bit harder.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now