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Michael looks away from Evanora and gulps as his eyes stares back into Victoria's. He slowly turns his head toward Evanora as he felt as his entire world had shattered before his eyes. He looks back to Victoria as she held a steady but small smile as she kept her eyes glued on her fiancé knowing that this is the man who she will stand by, love and appreciate for the rest of her life but for Michael, this was nothing but an obstacle for who he truly wants. Who he truly loves.

Tito sighs heavily as he gets between Victoria and Michael. "The dummy here says hello to you, Miss and I'll be glad to take your belongings to your room afterwards, give you a tour of my family's manor. Please follow me." Tito says as everyone began to walk downstairs. Janet hugs Evanora tightly before she follows among the crowd due to her hunger for both the snacks and wine that is being served downstairs.

Michael turns on his heel once the door closes as his eyes captures Evanora's as the wind blows softly against her raven black hair. Michael steps toward her as he takes her hand into his own. "Evanora... I really didn't knew that she was coming tonight nor did I mean to kick you out of this house. I just..for fuck sakes, I love you since the moment that I first laid my eyes on you. I never hated you. I just wanted to hide my true feelings for you. You are everything that I want in a woman. You and I both know that kissed meant something to the both of us." Michael sighs as his head drops as he kicks his shoe before looking back at her face. He takes a deep breath. "I just wish you came sooner into my life and I'm sorry... I know that I can't make up for the things that I've done to you and if you don't want to forgive me that's fine just- treat Marlon well... I'll understand if you don't want me and if you want my brother instead. I will marry Victoria. I just want to hear it coming from your own mouth that you hate me and you don't want anything to do with me-"

Evanora pulls his hand as their noses hit against one another. She smiles. "I don't hate you and I'm sure Marlon would forgive you someday, you are his brother after all."

Michael's face lit up as he begins to smile. "I'm honestly quite surprised that you don't hate me. Everyone does... I am just happy that you don't hate me.." He says as he leans in. His breath smelt of the hot tamales candy. "Very happy..." he says before placing his lips on her own. He places his hand against her neck on top of her hair as they kissed one another. Their hearts pounding as their souls became one. "But I am also quite surprised... why don't you hate me? I tried my hardest to hide the feelings that I had developed for you by acting like an asshole but you still saw right through that... why?" Michael asks her once they pulled away from one another. Evanora smiles as she tucks her hair behind her ear.

"That will remain to be a secret from me to you. You will never know until the day, I'm willing to share that with you. Goodnight, Michael. Sleep well and don't let the Katherine bite." Evanora replies before she kisses his cheek then walks away and back downstairs to be taken back to Chicago with her family. Michael walks back toward the edge of the rooftop and watches the crowd of people leaving the manor with their vehicles.

"Goodnight, Ms. Sanito..." he coos underneath his breath as the vehicles began to leave the front entrance and back to where they all belong.

____ ____ ____

Frankie, in his disguise, raises his camera as he walk throughout the halls of the Jackson family manor and took the various photos that he knows Al Capone would be pleased to receive.

Jermaine notices the man with the camera in the hallway and approaches him. "Hey, what are you doing right now?" Jermaine asks the man as he jumps from the sound of Jermaine's voice. "Sorry if I have frightened you." Jermaine adds as the man chuckles.

"You are okay. You have just frightened me because I thought I was the only one roaming these halls. Your family has quite an interesting architecture in this building. I envy it. I hope you don't mind if I take these photos. I'm an architect in Detroit and other buildings have always interested me to inspire me with my own work." the man lies with a fake smile spread across his face. Jermaine shrugs with a smile.

"You are just doing your work so, I don't mind just leave before our guards do their nightly sweep throughout the manor to get rid of any attendees. My mother hates trespassers."

"Your mother?" The man asks with his left eyebrow raised.

"Yes, my mother, Katherine Jackson. She has just came back last night with my brother's fiancée and her family. I'm pretty sure that the wedding is on horizon so that might be why she came back all of the sudden."

"Oh, yes. I know about your mother's arrival, I must have forgotten all about it when these designs just called out to me. Thank you for the heads up, sir. I'll be sure to leave beforehand. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night." He replies as Jermaine smiles back at him.

"You as well, Mr..?" Jermaine says as he reaches his hand out to the man.

"Mr. Casacci.. Franklin Casacci but my friends and family calls me, Frankie." Frankie responds with a smug smile.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Frankie. By chance, are you in anyway related to the Casacci family?" Jermaine asks him.

"Yes... you can just say that we are just distant relatives.." Frankie answers him. Jermaine nods his head.

"Anyways, goodnight Franklin." Jermaine says before he walks away from Franklin.

"Not so distant either. Victoria is my cousin." Frankie replies with a chuckle.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now