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Warning: violence

Evanora knees Tito in his stomach as Michael watches the fight. Janet cheers for Evanora as she stood by Michael's side. Evanora could feel every bit of sweat that drips down her face as does Tito.

Tito rolls on the ground away from Evanora as she pulls out her pistol from the belt that she wore around her hips before she shoots the bottle that sat perfectly on the fence before the bullet knocks the bottle over. Tito stands up and shoots Evanora a smile before smirking at Michael who stood there unamused. "I've seen a better shot." Michael says coldly as he walks over to Evanora and Tito, Michael takes her pistol as he raises it directly at the target and shoots five times at the center without missing. Janet immediately glares at Michael.

"Michael! Evanora shot that perfectly. What the fuck is wrong with y-." Janet pauses as Michael glares back at Janet.

"Watch your mouth, Dunk before I get mother on your ass and Evanora-." Michael snaps back at Janet before he glances over to Evanora as he steps toward her. "You need to be quicker than your enemy. You need to think before your enemy or you'll be shot dead. Do you understand me?" Michael says sternly as Evanora nods her head.

"Of course..." Evanora says before Michael looks over to Tito. Tito glares at Michael as he crosses his arms against his chest.

"She did that perfectly, Michael." Tito says in annoyance. Michael rolls his eyes as he licks the backside of his teeth while walking toward Tito.

"I advise you to keep your mouth shut, Tito. What I say, goes. She did a poor job and accepted it so, you should do the same. The both of you." Michael says coldly as Tito glares into his little brother's eyes then Michael looks over at Janet with a glare as well.

"And as your older brother, I advise you to not speak like that to me otherwise, I will kick your ass. Remember your place. Just because you are the don, it doesn't make you any better than the rest of us. Before you were ever the don, you were just hiding away in London like the spoiled brat, you are." Tito says before Michael grabs Tito by his shirt. "Do it. I fucking double dog dare you, Michael to punch me. Do it!"

Michael raises his fist before Evanora pushes Tito away and stood between the brothers. "Enough!" Evanora demands as she glances at both Michael and Tito. "Enough with the fighting! Just stop!" She pleads. "You and your brothers always fight with each other so just for once, stop with the fighting and just get along especially, you." Evanora turns her body to face Michael as he glares at the ground avoiding eye contact with Evanora. Evanora steps closer to Michael. "Michael, please... control your anger and Tito-" Evanora pauses as she turns to face Tito as she glares directly at him. " stop fucking making him worse." She finishes her sentence while Tito glares back at her. "You are brothers who should be united, not at each other's throats now both of you get your shit together before I pop you both in fucking faces." Evanora says angrily. Janet crosses her arm as she nodded to everything that Evanora said. "You have an enemy at large and here you both are fucking arguing." She adds.

Janet step beside Evanora as she places her right hand on Evanora's shoulder. Michael and Tito stood there in complete shock that two women had spoken that way to them both. The only woman who was obligated to do that was their mother. Evanora glances at Janet as she gave her a smile. Tito steps toward the girls as he glares at Evanora. "How dare you demand us to do something, know your place especially in front of the man who provides you a home, clothes, jewelry, food, and warmth. Michael could have killed you and left your body in an unmarked grave. You are pointless to have around here, all you do is cause trouble. Michael, am I right?" Tito says as he turns around to where Michael stood as he held his arms crossed against his chest. Michael scratches his nose before he walks toward the girls and stood beside Evanora.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now