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April 8th, 1943

To my dearest cousins, Al & Franklin,

Your dearest, cousin Victoria here. I have done what you have asked of me and I have learned so much information about the Don for the Jackson family that will be sent in this same package. Please give me a notice before the deed is done.

Much love for you both. Take care of yourselves. I promise that we will all see one another soon.

Victoria C.

Victoria folds the letter in half before placing the letter inside the envelope before a knock startles her. She looks up to see Marlon standing there with a smile as he waves his left hand at her. She quickly closes the flap and shoves it into the desk drawer as she faces her body to face his body.

"So.. do you have any plans for today?" Marlon asks as Victoria shrugs her shoulders while her face sadden.

"Not that I know of. I do have another meeting with Katherine, your mother for the wedding dress fitting. Has your mother always been a control freak?" Victoria says in annoyance as she rolls her eyes.

"Of course, she has. Everything must go her way or we will never hear the end of it especially when she's out of the country. She will still send us letters. You'll grow into it once you are married to Michael." Marlon replies.

"Does your brother like me?" Victoria asks as Marlon's eyes widen but he chuckles.

"Oh, Michael? He doesn't like anyone, that man basically hates everyone in this manor besides his closest best friends." Marlon lies as he knows Michael had basically stolen his romantic interest from underneath him. "Hopefully, someday he will."

Victoria felt unease and looks down. "I was hoping that I could marry someone who would like me but being in this forced arrange marriage is just... I just want him to like me. It would clear all of the thoughts that are racing throughout my head."

Marlon steps closer to the desk and leans against it. "I'm sure that he will. Well, since you are busy with my mother. I will take my presence elsewhere. Have a good rest of your day." Marlon says with a smile before walking out Victoria's bedroom. He began walking down the hallway before spotting Michael sitting beside the window. Michael glances out the window. Marlon looks out the same way to spot Evanora and Janet watering the plants in the garden. Marlon looks back at Michael as Michael looks down at his journal, smiling as he wrote inside as he hums. Marlon raises his eyebrow and continues to walk away.

Michael looks back at Evanora as he felt his heart flutter once they made eye contact. She smiles at him and waves before Janet looks over and flips Michael off then pulls Evanora to water the pink roses on the other side. Michael glances down at his writing to where he left off. He closes his eyes as he began to sing.

There'll be no darkness tonight
Lady our love will shine
Just put your trust in my heart
And meet me in paradise
Now is the time

Girl, you're every wonder
In this world to me
A treasure time
Won't steal away

So, listen to my heart
Lay your body close to mine
Let me fill you with my dreams
I can make you feel alright

And baby, through the years
Gonna love you more each day
So, I'll promise you tonight

That you will always be the lady in my life

Michael opens his eyes to see Evanora smiling at him as their hands intertwine with one another as they both sat on the rooftop underneath the nighttime sky with the star twinkling above the both of them. "I didn't know that you could sing, Michael. Why didn't you ever told me? You have a gift." Evanora says excitedly while she leans in to kiss his cheek.

"A gift that will never see the light of day. Evanora, please don't tell anyone about my ability to sing." Michael asks as Evanora's face drops.

"Why not?"

"Because... this was only thing that kept me from going insane when I was a child. After everything that I went through in London from the physical and emotional trauma. This was the one thing that I never gave up on. My father knew of my ability... it was never about me being the strongest link on continuing the family business and I know everyone told you that but that wasn't the reason... it was because he never believed that I could continue this passion as a career. This was the reason why I was sent away. He knew of my dreams.. he knew that I could sing and he would laugh at me whenever I tried to convince him that I could make this as a career. He sent me away late at night to make me forget about this dream and took my happiness away to make me, the Don. I love my father, don't get me wrong. I'm very grateful for he has done for our family but taking away my dream and forcing this position down my throat is something that I will never forgive him for. If anyone else knew that I could sing, they will paint a vision of me being a weak leader... Men in my position can't take that as a risk. They need a strong leader who can get shit done and quickly and with Al Capone and his family still breathing, I can't take that risk so please don't you ever mention the fact that I could sing. Not to Janet. Not to Tito. Not to Marlon, not to anyone. Promise me that you won't say anything about what you have just witnessed. I cannot bear the humiliation especially by Janet. I wouldn't hear the end of it."

"I promise, Michael... that you have my word." Evanora says with a smile as she raises her pinky. "I pinky promise." Michael sighs in relief as he wraps his pinky around her pinky.

Katherine opens the office door as Samantha,
Five months of her pregnancy shows up. Samantha smiles. "Samantha? My goodness, I haven't seen you in years... please, come inside." Katherine says happily as she allows Samantha inside of her office and closes the door.

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