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Janet was already starting the DKW F1 when Evanora made it toward her in the garage. She had several guns with her. She held up the revolver and brought back the cock of the revolver with her thumb before putting it to her light brown leather gun strap that was wrapped around her waist with her Workwear overalls, underneath she wore a deep purple flannel button-up shirt. Janet wore her black victory suit with boots. Both of their hairs were pinned up in a bun with a bandana tied up on the back of their heads.

They will definitely stick out like a sore thumb but saving Michael and Marlon is the top priority.

"You look dashing." Janet says as she smiles once Evanora got inside the passenger door and closes the door quickly. Evanora rolls her eyes before she punches Janet's arm. Janet glares at her. "It was a sincere compliment, Evie." Janet adds.

"We don't have time for compliments. We need to save your idiot brothers before they get killed so can you please step on the gas and get the fuck out of Gary?"

Janet nods her head instead of speaking to avoid creating an argument. Once Evanora is in an argument with Janet, it can go for hours to the point they won't speak to each other for days. Janet pulls out to the road and steps on the gas to leave the city of Gary to the big city of Chicago which was a thirty-seven-minute drive but due to it being the early morning, rush hour was a definite possibility of occurring. Nobody knows how to drive in Illinois. Evanora places her cheek against her window as Janet continues to speed down the streets until they made it to I-90 West and go onto the highway. With the speed that Janet is going, she will fit right in with the Illinois drivers.


Michael pulls down his arms that buckled with chains against the wall. Michael looks over at a badly beaten; Marlon then stares down at his hand which had blood stains all over them. Marlon's blood.

Just over two hours ago, Frankie and his men forced Michael to beat up his own brother to allow both of them to eat their small meal. The last that they have eaten was the day before their failed mission occurred.

"Marlon..." Michael croaked out to his brother. Marlon glances up at him, slowly. The light appearing on his face, revealing the endless amounts of bruising and cut around his face. His left eye held a black eye that had an endless amount of purple and green. That eye was already red due to sleeping on the dust fill ground. Marlon's breathing was slow but was a good sign to show that he was still alive with Michael. "I'm sorry... I'm so fucking sorry..." Michael cries out to Marlon as a tear began to fall from eyes, he can feel the salty tears burning his cuts as it fell from his face. "Please ... just please forgive me, brother. I'm sorry that we fought during our mission. If we didn't fight maybe, this wouldn't have happened. We could have paid more attention rather to each other. I'm so fucking sorry, man" Michael cries harder. Marlon continues to stare at him before looking down at his hands.

Marlon was still traumatized and being quiet was his only way to remain calm otherwise, he would be screaming and crying beyond relief. All he wanted was to get out of there; Alive with Michael. He looks back up at his brother and nods his head. Michael felt the sudden urge of relief.

"Thank you, brother...." was all that Michael could say before gunshots rang from above them. Michael and Marlon both look around in complete panic and some relief as they had hoped for rescue from their men. People from above were screaming and yelling at one another till the gunfire stopped. Michael stares at the door that in front of him as the doorknob began to shake around tremendously before it stopped, both Marlon and Michael's hearts stop as it opens quickly.

Their eyes widened.

Katherine sat down on her chair, handcuff as Victoria and Frankie stood in the room as some of their men went in and out of the room until Oscar enters the room and walks toward both Victoria and Frankie.

"Evanora and that little bitch, Janet already left when we went into their bedroom. Someone must have given them the heads up because none of the Jackson family members are in this house beside this old bitch." Oscar states as Victoria turns around to face Katherine. She walks toward her and slaps her cheek hard.

"Where are they!" She screams at Katherine. Katherine slowly looks back at Victoria with one of the biggest smirks spread across her face.

"Where do you think..." Katherine replies through her mischievous smirk. Victoria's eyes widen. Victoria turns back around to look at Frankie.

"Get to Chicago and kill those fucking bitches... now" Victoria says angrily before Frankie and two of his men walk out of the room quickly to make their way to Chicago.


Michael stares at the open door as a dead body of one of Capone's men fell to the ground as Evanora stood behind it with a knife in her hand as it was stain with blood. Michael felt his heart thumping against his chest as he stares at Evanora as she stares back at him. "Michael... is that you?" She says while she stumbles into the room as she walks toward him. Michael nods his head quickly as he tries to move but the chains were holding him back. "Where is the key, baby?" Evanora adds as she tries to look for a keyhole.

"I don't know... just please get Marlon out of here... he isn't locked up. He is over there..." Michael says as his eyes pointed in Marlon's direction who was sitting on the ground in silence. Evanora looks over to him as her eyes widened. She quickly runs over to him, getting on her knees taking Marlon's hand in the process.

"Marlon... holy fuck..." Evanora says softly as she gets back on her feet to help Marlon up. Marlon stumbles as he regains his balance while he held onto Evanora with all of his strength as she carries him up the stairs to where Janet was standing guard.

"Marlon..." Janet whispers softly as she sees his wounded up face. "Where is Michael?" Janet asks Evanora.

"He is still downstairs. He's locked up and he doesn't know where the keys are. I'm going to take Marlon back to the car down the road."

The loud noise of cars slamming on their brakes on the dirt road was heard by the three of them. Their eyes widened.

Janet grabs a hold of Marlon. "No... you get Michael and I'll take care of Marlon. Use a Bobby-pin if you need to otherwise, put up a good fight. I'll try to take most of the heat."

"But, Janet... you don't know how to use a gun." Evanora stammers as Janet pulls out her gun and stares back at Evanora.

"I'll find a way. I always do just don't worry about me. I'll be fine just get my brother free." Janet says before she walks Marlon to a nearby closet and places him inside of it then closes it shut before she runs off to face the few amounts of men that were outside. Evanora looks back down the steps before she runs back down there and enters the room where Michael was inside of. His head was face down with his eyes shut. Evanora slams the door shut causing Michael to jump in fear. His eyes open to see Evanora against the door.

"Why are you still here? I thought you left. Leave! Get the fuck out of here!" Michael demands before gunfire ran outside. "Where is Janet!" Michael adds.

"She's shooting but we don't have time. Michael, where is the key."

Michael's eyes widen in fear. "But Janet can't shoot. She will die, how can you let my sister just die like that, Evanora! That's my fucking sister!" Michael yells at Evanora as Evanora walks toward an unuse dresser and opens it to show a key inside. She grabs the key and runs toward Michael before he manages to kick her. "No! Go save my fucking sister!" Michael shouts at her as he started to kick the air so she wouldn't get any closer. Evanora steps back before the door behind them opens and slams shut. Evanora turns around to see Frankie. Michael immediately stops. "Evanora, get over here!" Michael barks at Evanora but she remains still and pulls out her revolver to aims it directly at Frankie. Frankie pulls out his own revolver and had it pointed directly at Evanora.

"No. This ends now." Evanora says as she pulls the trigger. Smoke filled the room from the one-shot of gunfire.

"Evanora!" Michael shouts at her. He squints his eyes and began to cough from the smoke.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now