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⚠️ warning ⚠️:

Foul language, Kidnap

"Michael? Can I speak to you for a moment? Alone" a man's voice said while standing behind the two siblings. Michael removes his arms away from Janet before turning to face the man. Michael glances at his sister and nods his head to assure that he'll be alright being alone with the man. Janet half-smiles before walking away toward Michael's close best friends who were on the other side of the garden.

"Hello, Oscar. It's a pleasure to finally being able to see you. How was London? And how are my sisters, Latoya and Rebbie?" Michael asks Oscar. Oscar's eyes shift before cracking a smile.

"It was lovely. Your mother knows her ways around London and being able to spend time with Latoya and Rebbie while they shop around as well but that is not what I am here for... I was wondering.. well... since your father is no longer with us and god bless his soul from being taken away from us so suddenly. If I could marry your sister, Latoya when she comes home from London?" Oscar asks with confidence. "Being the newest Don in family, you should be able to bless our marriage. I've always loved Latoya since our first meeting one another ten years ago."

"Oscar, you know that it isn't my place to bless engagements. It is my mother's place and even if I say yes.. it won't ever happen. You work for US, you don't own a family business. How can I know that you are protecting her, providing for her? She has to marry a man who will be able to take care of her." Michael replies as Oscar's face drops.

"Do you believe in Love, Michael?" Oscar asks him. Michael raises an eyebrow as he folds his arms against his chest while staring at Oscar. Do I believe in love? Michael blinks and shakes his head.

"No. In this business, we don't. We have obligations to do and love isn't any of them now if you'll excuse me... I have some important matters to deal with at the warehouse." Michael says as he pushes Oscar to the side to walk away from the conversation. Oscar grabs Michael's collar. Michael jerks back by surprise and raises his fist and punches Oscar's shoulder. "If you don't fucking let me go, I will beat your ass!" Michael demands. Oscar stands back and lets him go.

"I love your sister, Michael! Please!" Oscar begs. Michael makes a face filled with annoyance and rolls his eyes. "Please, let us get married. She might be—" Oscar pauses.

"She might be what? Finish that fucking sentence, Oscar." Michael mumbles loud enough for Oscar to hear.

Oscar kept quiet.

Michael walks closer to Oscar, grabbing his shirt and slams him into a nearby wall. "Say it!"

"Pregnant. She might be pregnant with my child. Oscar answers.

"You fucked my sister? You fucked my sister?!" Michael says angrily. The entire room fell silent and everyone's eyes peer over to Michael and Oscar. Michael could feel every blood in his entire body boiling. Michael reaches into his pocket, pulling out his pistol and places it against Oscar's temple. "You know the fuckin' rules, Oscar. You knew not to sleep with anyone in this family but you betrayed not mine but my father's orders." Michael says angrily. "Did you or did you not knew the orders!" Michael shouts.

Oscar nods his head. Tears began to fill his eyes. Michael pulls Oscar's shirt more then slam him back into the wall. "Please, Mike... we grew up together! Please don't kill me, think about your sister!" He pleads.

"I don't give a fuck about how she'll feel or even how much you beg for your life. If I were my father, he would have shot you in the damn face." Michael snaps back at him. "But I'm not my father.." Michael adds before letting him go. "Pack up your shit and get the fuck out of here. If you come back, I'll shoot you without any hesitation. This is your warning. If my sister were to have your child, you will never see the child nor my sister ever again."

"Thank you..." Oscar says as he runs out of the garden leaving Michael alone. Michael watches him leave before he shoves his pistol back into his back pocket and left toward the office. He opens the door before he sees a figure near his desk.

"Who the fuck are-" Michael demands before another figure from the right corner comes toward him and headbutts him causing Michael to fall unconscious.


She looks back immediately as she ran through another alley. She could feel her heartbeat thumping louder and louder into her ears. She's been running for nearly forty minutes while trying to get away from the men who captured her before her escape.

In the distance, she can see a red, metal door. That was the way to get away from them. To hide.

She finally reaches the door and pulls it open before getting inside and slamming it shut. She slid down the metal door to block it from opening by using her body. Her eyes filled with tears as she fights her lungs to breathe normally before she glances up to see a group of men and women standing before her.

A woman walks toward her with a gun in her hand raised up at her. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Evanora Sanito... is my name please don't hurt me. I'm trying to find somewhere safe because they're trying to find me. I need to find him." She manages to say while trying to get her breathing back to normal.

"Who is him?" The woman asks.

"Michael Jackson... I'm trying to find Michael Jackson."

The woman's eyes widen as she glances back over to her crewmates then back at Evanora. "I know where to find him..."

"You do?!" Evanora exclaims.

"Yeah.. but you just won't know the directions on how to find him. Smalls, hit her." The woman demands as a taller, buff out man knocks Evanora out unconscious with a bat.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now