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"Michael? What are you doing out here?" Marlon says as he steps toward his brother while holding his arm out to hold back Evanora from Michael. Michael's eyes darts from Evanora to Marlon.

"I can ask you the same thing." Michael mumbles. Marlon's eyebrows furrows. Michael looks down at his black leather gloves and pulls his left one off slowly. Marlon watches Michael closely, Michael glances back up at his brother and smirks.

"I didn't know it was a crime to actually enjoy yourself..." Marlon responds. Darren stares at Evanora and Marlon as he stood behind Michael with his left hand holding onto his revolver. Darren's eyes followed elsewhere to keep watch for any enemies that could attack them at any moment, protecting his best friend was his number one priority.

"A crime? Have you forgotten that we were just ambushed by Al Capone's men earlier today? They fucking shot me and here you are with this fucking girl that we just met a few weeks ago! We barely even know her! Hell, she could be a spy and we wouldn't even know." Michael snaps back at him as he held on to his glove tightly. A few of Michael's front curls fell lose from his ponytail and dangle beside his face. Evanora instantly took notice in what Michael said and felt every ounce of rage building up inside of her.

"Don't be so fucking ridiculous... how can I be a fucking spy when your father saved my life?! He could have left me out to die instead of trying to protect me!" Evanora moves Marlon's arm away from her as she steps toward Michael and got into his face, Marlon tries to grab her back but Evanora smacks his arms away and remain face to face with Michael, Michael stood there still as he glares at Evanora. "Since day fucking one, you treated me like shit then act nice to me on a whole different day. You are nothing but a moody fucking asshole so get over yourself!" Evanora shouts loud enough for the people who were on the other side of the street to hear. Marlon places his hand on her shoulder and pulls her back. Evanora glares at Marlon before smacking his hand away once more as she steps forward to Michael as she glares at him. Michael's jaw moves a bit as his eyes darts to Marlon as Marlon looks down. Michael immediately grabs her hand to drag her away before Marlon glances back up and grabs her other hand. "Let me fucking go, you dick head!" Evanora yells as Marlon pulls her toward him as Michael pulls her back.

"Let her go, Michael!" Marlon demands as he pulls her back. Michael pulls her back harder.

"No! Do you not realize how dangerous it is to be out in public when his men can be lurking around?!" Michael shouts back.

"I don't fucking care just let her go!" Marlon yells at him. "You are acting like a damn kid, Michael! Let her go!"

Marlon pulls her back twice as hard leaving Michael to let her go as his shoulder aches in pain from his stitch up wound. Michael places his hand on top of his shoulder as he can feel the pressure building up. Michael groans in pain as he held on to his wound. Darren runs up to Michael, placing his hand on his back. "Mike, are you alright?!" Darren asks as Michael swears underneath his breath.

Evanora stumbles against Marlon's chest as he held onto her before they both fell onto the pavement. "Are you okay?" Marlon asks her as he continued to hold on to her. Evanora winces as she moves her ankle.

"I think I twisted my ankle." She whimpers as Marlon moves around her to check on her ankle.

"Can you try to stand up?" Marlon asks her as he reaches his hand out to her. Evanora grabs his hand to pull herself up onto her feet and she held on to him for support.

"I think I will be okay for now. Thank you." She replies before her attention went to Michael as he was bent down, groaning in pain. "Your brother might need my attention for right now." She adds as Marlon looks over to him and back to her.

"Go ahead, Doc... I'll be right behind you if he tries anything." Marlon responds as she smiles at him. Evanora steps away and toward Michael.

"Take off his jacket." She demands Darren who glares at her almost immediately.

"Don't you fucking touch him. You've done enough right now so leave us the fuck alone." Darren snaps back at her as he pulls Michael up and held on to him as he walks with him toward the opposite direction to where their car was located. Leon exited the car immediately and ran toward Michael, Darren to help them, leaving Marlon and Evanora alone.

Marlon steps beside her as they both watch them walk away and grabs her hand. She glances up at him as he smiles back at her. She places her head on his arm. "You tried you best. It's okay. It's better to leave him alone right now especially after you got in his face and screamed at him. C'mon, we have a movie to catch." Marlon says.

"You're right..." Evanora sighs as he pulls her hand and places it on the top of his shoulder to help her due to her spine ankle as they walk toward the movie theater that was nearby.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now