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Katherine reaches to the side of her jacket as Frankie walks toward her slowly. "What have you done to my two sons?" Katherine demands as she finally found her pocketknife that was handy in situations that were similar to this one. She clenches onto it tightly as she prepares herself for a suspected attack.

"They are in good hands." Frankie answers her with another one of his devious grins appearing on his smug face.

"In good hands which means that you are torturing my boys. If it is the money that you want, I can arrange that for you. Just do not hurt them any more than you are already are. Marlon is a good boy and Michael is the Don who can marry off with your dearest, Victoria to settle this once and for all." Katherine says as Frankie stops walking toward her and shakes his head.

"Money is not needed, we are not here for a bribe. What is needed is the revenge from what was stolen from us and the life that was taken away from us, too suddenly." Frankie replies before he looks over his shoulder as Victoria walks beside him.

"What life? Caterina? Your cousin?" Katherine asks Frankie. Victoria pulls out her locket that was chained around her neck and opens the heart pocket which revealed a picture of two young girls hugging one another. Victoria closes the locket with her eyes closed.

"She was my older sister..." Victoria answers for Frankie before she opens her eyes, Victoria steps closer to Katherine. "Your husband killed my sister. Do you even know how old she was when she died that day? She was just ten years old. She was just a little girl who had an entire future just waiting for her then it was all gone because your husband thought it was a brilliant idea to murder my uncle, his wife, and his children along with my sister who was staying over for just the night." Victoria's jaw tightens as her eyes began to overflow with tears.

"She was a waste anyways." Katherine replies before Victoria held up her hand and slaps Katherine left cheek hard. The slap echoed through the room, Katherine places her right hand against her left cheek as she stares directly at Victoria.

"How dare you even say that about my older sister!" Victoria says angrily as her fists tighten. Frankie smiles amused over Katherine being slapped by his little cousin. "Sit down right now or I will order our men to murder every single person in this household right now." Victoria demands as Katherine glares at her before she sat down obeying Victoria's wishes.

"Where are Michael and Marlon?" Katherine demands angrily as she notices when Janet walks halfway underneath Michael's office door and steps back in shock to see a man and Victoria standing in front of her mother. Janet hides behind the wall near the door as her eyes remain locked with her mother.

"Your sons are hidden in Al Capone's manor in Chicago. Too bad, you will never find them." Victoria adds with a smug smile that is similar to Frankie's.

Quickly, Janet turns around and paces herself back to her bedroom where Evanora sat down waiting for her return. Janet slams the door shut and began to barricade it with her dresser as she was panting heavily. Evanora stood on her feet with her eyes widened. "Janet, what is wrong? Why are you barricading the door?" Evanora asks Janet as Janet pulls her top dresser and pulls out two pocketknives and throws one in the direction of landing on top of her bed. Evanora picks it up. "Janet... what is wrong?" She asks once more as Janet regains her breathing steady and looks up at Evanora.

"We are under attack. Victoria is one of them. She is with Al Capone's men. She and some random guy is holding my mother hostage in Michael's office. We need to get the fuck out of here or we will get killed. It isn't safe here." Janet replies as she walks toward her bedroom window and rips off the curtain from the wall to make a homemade rope. "Move my bed over here." Janet asks Evanora as she ties the curtains together. Evanora nods her head before she drags the bed to where Janet was standing. Evanora takes off the bedsheets and began to make another rope for the girls to use.

"Where will we go?" Evanora asks Janet with a worrying expression on her face.

"To Chicago." Janet replies. Evanora raises her left eyebrow.

"Why there? What is in Chicago?"

"Michael and Marlon. They are being held in Al Capone's manor in Chicago and we are going to be the ones to save them both." Janet says with a smile spreading across her face.

"How did you knew-"

"My mother made eye contact with me as she was being held by Victoria and asked her once she got her answer then I bailed."


"Are you coming to save your boyfriend or do I have to be the hero?" Janet says as she crosses her arms against her chest.

"I'm coming. I just don't really understand how you didn't get caught by Victoria."

"Victoria is an idiot. She had the door wide open without any guards by the door. That is her own damn fault now enough with the chitchat, we have to go save the two idiots who are my brothers." Janet answers Evanora as she rolls her eyes. Evanora nods her head as they both continue to make their homemade rope before tying one end around the bedpost. Janet opens her bedroom window and throws the other end over the other side of the window. "I haven't snuck out since I was a teenager."

"Why did you snuck out?" Evanora asks her with her eyebrows furrow. Janet smiles before she leaves through the window and climbs down the rope. Evanora stuck her head out with her mouth drop. "Why did you snuck out?" Evanora calls out to her.

"For some dick." Janet replies as she jumps down. "Now are you coming or do I have to go by myself?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Evanora says as she climbs out the window nearly slipping but regains balance. Janet then began to walk away before Evanora loses her regain balance and falls to the ground.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now