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"Here is what the spy gathered between your brother and the girl from last night. It seems to be innocent by the looks of these notes. They were just having a blast while smiling and laughing. Are you sure that what you are doing is the right thing to do?" Leon says as Michael grabs the notebook that the spy used last night. Michael flips through the five-page notes and scoffs before throwing it to the ground before standing up.

"So, Marlon thinks that she's completely innocent and not a spy? The hell and the nerve that she said that I am an asshole? The fucking nerve of that woman, I bet you that she is in for the money that my family has or she is one of Capone's spies either way, she will not fucking win." Michael growls as he paces back and forth. "Oh, I'm fucking damn well sure that this is the right thing to do. She will slip and she will go back into being a hostage but for now I want her thrown into the basement this time as her bedroom with ... the spiders ...and bugs down there! Girls hate bugs and spiders, right... Leon?" Michael asks as Leon shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm not sure, Mike. Some don't and some do." Leon responds. Michael rolls his eyes as he sat back down on his chair.

"Then what should I do? To prove that she isn't innocent? That she might be working with Al Capone and she lied to us about her sob story that our father 'saved' her? My brother's life will be endangered the more that they are around one another." Michael says before taking off his black fedora from his head to place it on his desk. Leon folds his arms against his chest before sitting on the edge of Michael's desk.

"I mean you can force her to talk... use aggressive actions like the electric chair that the government uses" Leon says as his eyes light up as he believes to be the greatest idea that he ever made. Michael rolls his eyes.

"That won't make her talk but it will turn her into rotisserie chicken and end up killing her!" Michael says in annoyance. "Think of something else..." he adds.

"She could be telling the truth about herself the only way to tell if she's telling the truth is maybe you can find her family..." Eric's voice says as he walks into the room with Darren.

Michael smirks as he sat back. "Tell me more..." he says.

"We can hire a private investigator to find her family and once we do. We will have them look into her family and afterwards we can go there, meet her family then we can send her ass back home so she wouldn't bother you or your family anymore." Darren says as he sat down.

"I like that idea... Leon, why didn't you thought of that?" Michael scolds. Leon throws his hands up into the air.

"How could I have thought that? I'm not that fucking smart, Michael! I dropped out of High School." Leon says as he stands up to walk over near the shelves and crosses his arms.

"I was joking with you. Relax." Michael chuckles as he stands up to walk over to Leon and punches his arm softly. Leon rolls his eyes.

"So how do we find a private investigator without going to jail?" Darren asks. Michael scratches his head as he looks around. Leon bites his nail as Eric smirks.

"We don't have to hire one by the government. We can always hire a third party organization to do the job for us and we don't have to let them know who we are especially who Michael is, in case they do run to the cops. It's not like we're gonna murder her." Eric says as he sat back in his chair.

"You're right. Do you know where to find one..?" Darren asks.

"Yeah... uh .. no. I never thought of how to find one, I just bought it up to see if anyone would know how too" Eric replies back as he sunk his chair as he tries to hide from embarrassment. Darren throws a pillow at Eric. Michael sighs heavily as he glances over to a picture frame with his father and another man who wore sunglasses as it sat behind his desk... The edges around the picture frame were cover with dust as Michael walks over to where the photo is located and picks it up as he felt the dust against his fingers.

"I think I might know who..." Michael says with a grim expression on his face. "But it will cost us a large fee."

"Like how much will that fee be, Mike? So we can be prepared to sell more weapons and such to hire him." Darren asks as Michael looks through his desk drawers as his father's journals were inside.

"He'll tell us..." Michael suggests his father as he picks up the large stack of notebooks from the inside and flips through the pages. "Joseph used to write down every transaction with the people who used to associate with in case trouble tries to stir up if they wanted to accuse us of any wrongdoing so hopefully, this man will be inside of here. It will take a few hours before finding him so help me out, his name is Walter Luther. If it's initiated, it will obviously be W.L . His contact information should also be inside as well. He will be our private investigator to look into Evanora Sanito and her little white lies." Michael says with a smile spread across his face. Leon, Eric and Darren all look at one another before they watch Michael place the photo down and turns around. "The day, the truth is known. I will ruin her"

"Aren't you acting a bit too rash? She could be telling the truth to her story..." Darren says. Michael immediately glares at him. Darren shrugs his shoulders before he sits back in his chair. "I'm just saying..."

Leon nudges Darren. "Remember, Michael doesn't think before he acts on situations besides murdering and stealing from people."

Darren lets out a laugh. "He doesn't have that much common sense either."

"Remember, who is your boss and can make you two go missing within a snap of two fingers...." Michael demands irritably as he glares at his two best friends. The boys stiffen and shuts up instantly.

"Hey, isn't your mother throwing a birthday party for LaToya in a few more days?" Darren asks Michael. Michael shrugs his shoulders.

"Yeah but I don't care for it that much.." Michael answers his question as he folds his arms against his chest

"Since Evanora is here, could she be attending?" Darren asks as Michael's eyes widen a bit before he looks down at his shoes.

"No. I won't allow it." Michael replies. Darren rolls his eyes.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now