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Marlon went back down the stairs as Evanora sat against the cement wall. Her clothing covers with dust and dirt from being in the basement for nearly four hours straight as she waits for Michael. "He should be seeing you in thirty minutes. He had another meeting with one of the warehouse employees. You know the warehouse that you snuck into." Marlon snickers as Evanora looks down and brought her legs closer to her chest.

"What will you guys do to me once Michael sees me?" Evanora asks Marlon. She glances back up at him. Marlon brought his hand behind his head to scratch his neck as he tries to bring a smile.

"To be honest... I won't be able to answer that for you. It's all up to Michael... and Michael isn't the nicest guy around here. Most likely, he would either kill you for sneaking into the warehouse or drop you off in some secluded area to abandon you there. He isn't too happy about hearing you sneaking into his warehouse especially while you were being chased by Al Capone's men." Marlon answers her as he begins to walk toward her. "If I were the Don, I would allow you to stay here and see if you bring any value to our crew. We could toughen you up... you seem to be a bit soft and nice but that could change. What's your name by the way? I haven't caught it earlier because Samantha could be a bit... demanding?" Marlon adds.

He reaches his hand out to Evanora. Evanora accepts his handshake and with a smile and replies, "my name is Evanora Sanito. I'm sure your name must be Marlon. Am I correct?"

"The one and only." Marlon answers with a huge grin appearing on his face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Evanora says happily regardless of the situation that she is in currently. Marlon smirks as he pecks the top of her hand.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Sanito. I'm assuming you aren't married. It would be a shame if you were. A beautiful gal like yourself should be snatched up and I would be honored—."

"What in the hell are you doing, moron?" A female's voice from behind Marlon exclaims in annoyance. "Stop hitting on the poor girl." The voice grew louder as the woman came closer. Marlon steps to the side as a young woman wearing a black, long sleeve dress. Her hair was wrapped with a headscarf. She wore three layers of pearl necklaces that overlap one another. She crosses her arms.

"Can you for one second get off my ass, Janet? I'm a grown-ass man!" Marlon angrily replies back to her. Janet smacks the back of his neck.

"A grown ass man would respect women not pound on a random innocent girl he sees now fuck off and if you don't, you'll be waking up to a pair of underwear in your mouth." Janet demands. Marlon glares at her before storming off and walking back the stairs leaving Janet and Evanora alone. Janet continues to stare at the staircase until the door slams. Janet slowly turns on her heels to face Evanora as she sat on the ground. "I'm sorry about that idiot. He can be a bit.... horny. My name is Janet and I'm guessing from the time that I was standing behind doofus that your name is Evanora?"

"Yes." Evanora says with a shy smile. Janet steps toward Evanora and sat beside her.

"Well, Evanora... you have a friend in this hell hole. I've always wanted a friend." Janet says with a smile. "This family has always been a bit ... annoying to be in. It's always about killing, robbing, dealing and other shit every day. Most of my siblings are married off or dealing with the business. Our mother is always away. It can be a bit lonely sometimes... especially when you are the youngest child. There is this view on the rooftop where you can see the stars in the nighttime sky. Whenever I feel so alone and need a friend. I will always go up there and speak to the stars."

"Well, I'm your friend now. You don't have to wait any longer." Evanora says as she places her hand on Janet's shoulder and smiles.

A tall, slim man came down the steps with a rifle. He steps toward the girls and glares directly at Evanora. "Get up. The boss wants to see you. If you refuse or try anything, you know what will happen." The man says as he looks down at his rifle. Evanora gets up slowly as she glances at Janet in fear. Janet stands up boldly and gets in the man's face.

"And you know what I'll fucking do if you hurt my best friend." Janet snaps back. The man sighs and rolls his eyes.

"If you don't step away, Janet. I will push your ass to the ground and if you cry to your brother that I pushed you, I will tell your brother that you threaten to attack me like the psychopath that you are. I'm just doing my job." The man responds as Evanora gets closer. Evanora places her hand on Janet's shoulder.

"I'll be okay." Evanora responds with a half-smile. Janet tries to protest before the man grabs Evanora's wrist and drags her out of the basement.

After two flights of stairs, they finally made it to a set of two large doors in front of them. The doors open slowly. The man drags Evanora inside and points with his rifle to the chair in front of the desk. The chair behind the desk faced the opposite direction. Evanora could see a fedora on the top of the chair. Evanora walks toward the chair and sat down. The doors slam shut. She could feel her heartbeat beating faster. Her hands sweating. She looks down and looks at her shoes as she could hear the man that sat on the opposite side of the desk moving his chair around to face her.

Fear him was the thoughts racing through her mind. He's the Michael Jackson. The one everyone fears.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now