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A day later...

Michael picks up his glass that was filled with whiskey and took a sip out of it as Janet walks into the library. "Drinking away your sorrows?" Janet says as she stood in front of her brother.
Michael smirks as he raises the glass. Janet rolls her eyes before grabbing the glass and chugs it all down before slamming the glass against the coffee table and glares at her brother. Michael leans over to grab the glass before standing up and walks over to the bar that was purposefully placed in the library for when their father would sneak away at night to drink alcohol.

"Becoming an alcoholic isn't the way to go, Michael. Dad wouldn't approve of you drinking when you should be out there controlling the family business. Stop being irresponsible." Janet demands as she follows Michael to the bar.

"Stop being a hypocrite, Dunk. Father used to drink so stop making him out to be a saint." Michael says as he pours himself another glass.

"I'm worried about you, Michael. You've been drinking more and more lately, this just isn't like you, big brother." Janet says as she reaches her hand out to Michael before Michael smacks her hand away.

"Do not touch me or the bottle!" Michael demands before Janet grabs the glass bottle to slam it onto the table as it shatters to pieces and alcohol is smear all over the ground and table.

"I'm not going to lose my brother to alcohol poisoning!" Janet screams while tears stream down her face as Michael steps back. "You are out of control! Can you for just once be responsible for your duties as a boss and actually be a good brother in your miserable life?! Just once!"

Eric, Darren, and Leon all enter the room one by one as Michael glances to his three best friends as they step back to quickly leave the room as they all notice what is taking place between the two siblings. Michael sighs before looking back at a distress Janet who stares at him furiously.

"I'm sorry, Okay? I'll try harder to be there for you and for the business. Just relax." Michael says to try to calm her down but his apology wasn't sincere and Janet knew that by the sound of his voice.

"Don't tell me to relax, you fucking liar!" Janet snaps back at him. Michael rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"Why do you care so much if I live or if I die? My life has been a living hell and you know that, Janet." Michael grumbles while folding his arms against his chest.

"Because you are my brother that's why I care so much. We already lost dad. I can't lose you either. Michael..." Janet says as she steps toward him and places her hand on his shoulder as she looks into his eyes. "I don't know the pain that was inflicted into you but I do know that there are people who love you and wouldn't want you to continue drinking. I love you... just stop." She adds as Michael glances at her hand that rests on his shoulder. Michael shakes his shoulder as she moves her hand away. Michael turns his back to avoid looking at his little sister who stood behind him. "I care about you, Michael..."

Michael chuckles before he turns back around to face her. "Nobody cared about me when I was in London so why should I care about how anyone else feels?" Michael stares back at her coldly as he leans in closer. "Nobody was there when I cried every night after he abused me. Nobody fucking cared." He adds before leaning away. Janet steps back before walking away, leaving Michael there alone. The door slams shut as she leaves the room. Michael sighs heavily as he walks over to his chair and sat back down while his three friends come back inside. "Exactly. You don't care..." Michael mutters underneath his breath.

"Michael?" Eric says as he sat down on one of the three surrounding his chair. Michael glances over to him and raises an eyebrow.

"What?" Michael responds.

"Marlon just left with the girl, again. I bribed one of your men to follow them around and to keep tabs on them and to write everything down that they do so he can report back to you just like what you've asked us to do." Eric responds.

"Michael...?" Leon chimes in. Michael looks over to Leon. "Why do you have someone to follow your brother and the girl whenever that they are together?"

"To follow my brother. I don't trust her at all." Michael scoffs as he laid back and crosses his arms. "I'm only protecting my brother, I'm doing what is best for him and for our family. I can care less on what happens to her besides... she's rude and find her annoying. She is also stupid." He adds. Eric and Leon looks at one another then back at Michael. The boys chuckles amongst themselves as Michael looks at them all. "What's so funny?"

"Michael... it seems that you care more about the girl than your own brother." Eric chuckles. Michael glares at Eric. Michael grabs the pillow beside him to throw it at Eric's face.

"No the fuck, I don't!" Michael yells back at him. Eric catches the pillow and throws it back.

"No? Darren, do you think Michael likes her?" Eric looks over to Darren who was smiling.

"He does... I heard he complimented her when he first saw her wearing that dress from yesterday and I've also watched him stare at her whenever she comes around and boy, he can never take his eyes off of her." Darren laughs.

Michael glares at Darren immediately. "Who told you that 'I' supposedly complimented her? I do not like her!"

Darren grins. "A little bird told me. I promise the bird that I wouldn't say a thing." Darren says amuse. Michael continues to glare at him. Darren chuckles. "The more you glare at me, the more I won't say a word besides... if you don't like her, why should you care about what we say, it's all gossip here"

Michael grumbles underneath his breath before standing up.

"Where are you going?" They all said as they watch Michael walking toward the door.

"To Janet because I know that she's the stupid bird!" Michael yells as he opens the door and leaves the room before walking toward Janet's room.

Michael opens her door quickly as she sat on her bed reading a book. "Janet..." Michael says as Janet ignores him and continues to read her book. "Janet!" Michael yells as he walks over to her and grabs the book out of her hands.

"What, Michael dearest. Have you finally decided to admit to your alcoholism?" Janet says in annoyance as she stares up at her brother.

"No. Right now that is the least of my concern. Where is she?" Michael demands. Janet raises an eyebrow.

"Who? Evanora?" Janet asks. "She's at the Park with Marlon. Why?" Michael turns around immediately as he walks out of her room and toward the garage before he stops in his tracks.

"No..." Michael mumbles to himself. "This isn't right..." he adds as he steps back and turns around to go back to his room as his thoughts were filled with doubt and confusion. He doesn't know what to think. "She belongs to Marlon. I'm already engaged..."

He closes his bedroom door as he walks toward his tall mirror and stood in front of it with his arms folded against his chest. "But... do I like her?" He questions his mirror self. "I mean... Do I really like her? I mean she is kinda cute... No.. snap outta it, Michael. You're engaged... to some girl that you don't even know...."

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now