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The following morning

Michael lifts up his pistol as he aims at the target before shooting and making a clear mark at the forehead of the dummy. "Good job, Michael." Leon cheers on as he lifts up his beer bottle. Michael lowers his pistol and turns his head to face Leon.

"Thank you. Wanna give it a shot?" Michael asks Leon as he flips his pistol around his fingers and hands it to Leon. Leon smiles as he stands up completely wasted from all of the alcohol that he had to consume. Leon grabs the pistol from Michael as Michael walks to the side to watch Leon taking a shot but misses completely. "You would've done well there, Leon if you weren't drunk." Michael says as Leon scratches his head before burping.

"Excuse me." Leon chuckles before handing the pistol back to Michael, Michael wipes his pistol with his handkerchief before Darren and Eric came running down the steps into the basement. Michael looks up from his pistol as Eric and Darren held fear in their eyes.

"What's the matter?" Michael asks Eric as Darren gasp for air.

"They're out there." Eric responds. "Al Capone's men have surrounded the place. They're fully armed and are attempting to break down the main gate!"

"What the fuck?! Are you serious?" Michael says as his eyes widen while he pushes past Eric and ran up the steps. "What do you want us to do?" Darren calls out from behind.

"Get my family into the basement! I need my crew fully armed. Leon needs to stay in the basement with my family along with Eric. Darren, I need you to get the girl and handcuff her wrists. We might need to bargain with them. Saving my family is much more important to me than that fucking girl! I knew it! She was with them the entire time" Michael yells back.

Michael pushes the door open as he notices chaos surrounding him. People running all over the place. "Hey!" Michael yells as his shout captures their attention. "Get your asses together and get your fucking weapons! Someone gather around my family and take them down to the basement right now or I'll shoot you all in the knee if you don't stop panicking!" Michael demands. Everyone follows his orders. Michael furiously walks over to the location of the main entrance to his family's estate. Michael kicks down the door to see Michael's men facing off with Al Capone's men. Their weapons all raised at one another.

"The boss is here!" A man calls out from Michael's side. Michael raises his pistol and shot the air as he came toward the group of men at the main gate. More of Michael's crew follow behind him.

"Hold your fire." Michael demands as he came closer to the group and looks through the gate to see Oscar standing on the other side. Michael furrows his eyebrows at the sight and chuckles. "Really? Are you fucking kidding me?" Michael laughs as Oscar raises his gun at Michael. Michael smirks as he walks up to the door and places his arm on the gate as he looks at Oscar. "So, you are on his side and led them all the way here for what, exactly? For your 'girlfriend'? I'm afraid she isn't here at the moment but she will learn of your fatal death when I shoot you in the fucking face." Michael says coldly as he pounds the gate, Oscar jumps. "Shoot me." Michael adds with a smile. "I double-dog dare you."

A man came forward, pushing Oscar to the side. "Hello, Michael." The man says as Michael raises his eyebrow. Darren soon follows with Evanora as her wrists were bound to one another. Her eyes widen once she sees Michael face to face with the very same man that had kidnapped her.

"No, no, no, please... I can't. Please take me back! Janet needs me! Please!" Evanora begs Darren. Her eyes began to water. Darren's face softens as he sees the fear in her eyes then looks over to Michael and back at her.

"If things go south and I know things will go south with his temper and attitude. I promise you, I'll allow you to run. Run back to your bedroom as fast as you can. There's a gun that I have hiding in a flower pot near the front door. Take it and keep yourself safe. Janet will be fine. She is Janet after all and she would never allow someone to hurt her but I'm worried more about you. I wish Michael didn't have to pull you into this shit and I wish he could see the good in you that I see. I don't see you as some sort of monster. I see you as an innocent, young woman who was tragically in the same place when his father was murdered and he just wants someone to blame. The person, he should be blaming is Al Capone, not you. Please don't cry. I need you to be strong right now." Darren says as he wipes her eyes. "You're too pretty to cry." Darren adds with a gentle smile. He hands her, the key to her handcuffs. "Remember what I told you." Darren looks back at Michael held a glare on his face.

"And who the fuck are you?" Michael demands.

The man smiles. "I'm Frankie C. Al Capone's first man, along with being his cousin and I'm here to deliver you a message." Frankie responds. Michael crosses his arms against his chest.

"What will that be?"

"Morte" Frankie replies as he raises his gun at Michael and shot him, shots were immediately fired on both sides as screams were heard on Michael's side of the entrance.

"Run, Evanora!" Darren's voice calls out.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now