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Michael gets out of the car after a thirty-eight-minute drive from Gary, Indiana to Chicago, Illinois. The fresh air hits Michael's face as he breathes in heavily before closing his door. The rest of the boys follow the same motion as they all gather beside Michael as he fixes his white jacket and white tie from all of the wrinkles. He turns around to fix any of curls to move away from his face along with reposition his white fedora.

"Michael... these are just her parents... relax" Darren says as the two of the boys starts to walk up the steps which follows up a hill and toward the white damaged two-story house.

"I'm fine. I'm just fixing myself up. I need to look a bit presentable before kicking her out of my family and I's life." Michael says as he brushes his curls from his face. Darren rolls his eyes before walking away and toward the house. Michael smirks into the mirror before following behind Darren. Eric knocks on the door once Michael made it to the top and stood there with his arms crossed against his chest. Eric steps to the side as the door opens.

An elderly woman opens the door. She smiles with crinkles beside her eyes. She wore a traditional Japanese kimono. Her hair was pulled back into a loose-fitting bun at the back of her head. "Hello, may I help you?" The woman says while she butchers the English language before a younger tall, brown-haired woman stood behind her who shares the similar features as Evanora.

"Mother, may I?" The younger woman says as the elderly woman nods her head before stepping away and walks deeper into the house. The younger woman steps toward as she places on a pair of slippers before opening the door and stood outside amongst the boys. "Can I help you?" She asks Michael as he felt a lump in his throat.

Darren notices Michael's fail response and steps a bit forward. "I'm sorry about him. He may be having deja vu at the moment but we are looking for a family named Sanito. The family shares this same address. By chance, are you Mrs. Sanito?" He asks the woman.

"Yes, I am. Please call me, Annemie. My husband and I are currently separated at the moment but yes, this is our home." She says as she raises her eyebrow, Michael notices that Evanora shares the same eyebrow shape and he felt immediate butterflies in his stomach. "Why?" Annemie asks as she crosses her arms against her chest.

"We know the whereabouts of your daughter. By chance, is her name Evanora and went missing in the fall of last year?" Darren asks her. Annemie's face sunk once she heard Evanora's name.

"Yes... that's our daughter... where is she?"Annemie sighs. "Please.. don't tell me if she's dead. I wouldn't bare losing another child."

Darren takes her hands. "Your daughter is safe at the man who is wearing the blue suit's house. She's alive and well." Darren says with a smile as Annemie began to cry. Darren pulls her into his chest as she wept. The elderly woman stood at the front door with a tear coming down her cheek as she heard the news from the kitchen.

Annemie sighs heavily while her face was puffy from crying. she lets go of Darren's hands and walk over to Michael. She places her hands on his cheeks while repeatedly thanking him as she wept. Michael smiles and as he pulls her in for a hug. The elderly woman stepped out of the house as she slowly walks over to Michael and her daughter in law. She hugs both of them while kissing her daughter in law's cheek.

They all let go as Annemie held on to Michael's hand. "Please come inside for tea before you all leave." Annemie says as Michael nods his head with a smile.

"Of course, we can. It'll give Evanora enough time to pack her things and to come home. She's very happy and pleased that she will be reunited with her entire family." Michael lies as Darren glares at him. Annemie smiles before dragging Michael inside as the boys follow behind him.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now