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Marlon grabs Evanora's hand as they walk inside the front entrance after their date of many has come to an ending. "So, did you enjoyed yourself?" Marlon says as he smiles ear to ear as Evanora nods her head as she smiles.

"Honestly, I did. I never knew a man could win that many prizes at a fair." Evanora says as they both look back as a man follows behind them with the prizes in his arms as he carefully walks to avoid them all from falling on the ground.

Marlon chuckles as they both look forward. Janet walks toward them with a large grin spread across her face. "Uh oh.. here comes trouble" Marlon says as he lets go of Janet's hand. "If you are going to kick my ass, please let me be prepared for it. I did not eat your chocolate bar that was in the fridge!" Marlon pleads as he backs away while Janet furrows her eyebrows.

"I wasn't even gonna talk to you. I was going to tell Evanora that our dresses and masks came in for the masquerade party that mom is throwing for Latoya's early birthday party besides I'll kick your ass later. You aren't worth my time right now." Janet responds as Marlon's eyes widen. "Your dress is so beautiful, Evanora! Rebbie had picked it out for you and your mask is also lovely. Marlon, shoo... it's girl talk now." Janet adds as Marlon rolls his eyes before he kisses Evanora's cheek.

"I'll see you tonight on the rooftop," Marlon says with a smile as Evanora smiles back at him before he walks away. Janet raises her eyebrow as Evanora looks back at Janet.

"Rooftop?" Janet asks Evanora softly as she makes a face. "Please don't tell me...anyways, c'mon the dresses are currently in the tailoring room!" Janet says as she grabs her hand and pulls Evanora quickly as they ran toward the tailor that was on the third floor.

They made it to the door within six minutes of running up the stairs. Janet opens the door as Rebbie was stretching out the large skirt of the red dress for more volume. The mask rested on the table beside it. "Hello, Evanora! It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Rebbie. I know that we have seen one another time to time but I'm glad that I can finally introduce myself to you!" Rebbie exclaims as she turns around to face them before walking toward the girls with her hand out. Evanora smiles and politely shakes her hand.

"I've heard great things about you from Janet and Marlon." Evanora answers. Rebbie steps to the side as Evanora's eyes were immediately captured by the red, sparkly ball gown that was worn by a headless mannequin.

"I didn't know what color was your favorite so... I just thought red would be more suited for your taste and for this occasion." Rebbie says as she smiles while Evanora walks up to the dress.

"How much did this even cost? It must have been at least a fortune! I mean look at it! It's huge. I cannot accept this... you and your family besides Michael has all been too kind to me. I can just wear my normal dresses to the party" Evanora says as she looks back at Rebbie and Janet both.

"Please do accept this dress. It's the least we can do for you." Rebbie says as she walks up to Evanora and places her hand on top of Evanora's shoulder. "It's the least that I can do for you by making my little brother happy." She says with a smile. Evanora glances at the dress with doubt.

"Are you sure? I mean... it looks expensive along with this mask! Are these white feathers real?" Evanora asks as she lifts up the delicate mask as the feathers were on the side that sparkles in the light.

"Oh god, no... Michael wouldn't allow us to even buy animal made products. He would throw a fit if he even knew if the feathers were real. He's a vegetarian if you didn't know that but he has an obsession with fried chicken.. yeah don't ask more about that or even acknowledge his love for chicken or we will have chicken for another two weeks straight. It has happened before and it will happen again just don't ask him." Rebbie replies.

Janet giggles. "You will hate chicken afterward but don't worry about the expenses, Evanora. Mother is taking care of the party and Rebbie used her own money to buy our dresses."

Evanora sighs heavily. "Okay... I suppose I will wear it. When is the party now?

"It's in a few days now. Latoya always wants to celebrate her birthday a few months early since she takes off for vacation at the ending of April till the beginning of June. She's been doing it for years, don't mind it." Rebbie says as Evanora nods her head as a response. "Do you want to try it on to see if it fits you before the big night?" She adds.

"No, I'm sure it'll fit perfectly fine since I do know Janet did stole one of my dresses the other day so I'm sure you do have the correct measurements. Thank you, Rebbie for doing this for me. I don't know how I could ever repay you or your family back for being so kind to me besides Michael." Evanora responds. "I'll never know why he hates me so much. It might be because I'm a stranger in your home."

"Don't mind our stupid brother. He'll come around eventually, I'm sure of it." Janet interrupts Evanora " but hey.. you should get going now. I'm sure Marlon is freezing his ass up on the roof by now."

"Oh! Of course, I've nearly forgotten about it since I'm in awe over this gown! I better get going! I'll see you both later or tomorrow morning!" Evanora smiles as she waves goodbye to the girls before running out of the room.

I hope I'm not that late.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now