Something Old VI: Firsts

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Alice's POV

I went back in the ballroom. A lots of people were dancing.

Philip was sitting alone in a corner.

As soon as he saw me, he rushed towards my way. He smiled and bended over.

"Shall we?" he asked in a charismatic way.

"How can I refuse?" I joked as he held my hand and guided me to the dance floor.

I melted when he held my waist. Even if he'd already done that, he never did it in public.

"So what happened with Edmund back there?" he asked as we started dancing.

"He asked me since when we were dating..." I said quietly.

"WHAT?!" he shouted. Almost everyone looked at us.

"What?!" he whispered.

"I don't even know, Pip. I don't know where he got the idea." I said calmly.

"What did you tell him? You didn't tell him, Al, right?!" he whispered trying not to shout again.

"Of course not! I could never. He will—" I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Kill me!" he said worried.

I looked at him and hugged him.

"Do you know how cute you look when you are terrified?" I asked, joking.

He blushed.

"I'm not terrified! Less of Edmund!" he said.

"Yeah sure, let's say I believe you..." I teased him.

"How can you be so irritable but so irresistible?" he asked and he leaned over for a kiss and I almost went for it but I ended up slapping him in the face.

"OW! What was that for?!" he asked, confused.

"We're in public—IN FRONT OF OUR FAMILIES!" I said trying not to shout. "Im sorry, baby." I said.

"Wait—did you just—" he asked in shock.

"What did I do?" I asked, confused.

He looked at me all cute and smiled like a 5 year old boy.

"You just called me 'baby'!" he said in a cute voice.

"Did I?" I asked in shock as well.

He nodded and smiled again.

"It's okay, baby." he said. I blushed. "Let's go outside, I miss hugging and kissing my girlfriend!" he said pulling me outside.

 "Let's go outside, I miss hugging and kissing my girlfriend!" he said pulling me outside

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"Shhhh! Somebody can hear you!" I said shushing him.

As soon as we got out, he dramatically pulled me to himself, held my waist and leaned for a kiss. I didn't slap him this time—because somebody else did. It was Edmund.

"How DARE you to touch my sister like that?!" he shouted.

"What the hell, Edmund?!" I screamed at him.

"No, WHAT THE HELL, ALICE?!" he screamed back.

"I can explain!" said Philip taking his courage.

Edmund almost punched him but I stopped him.

"You are such an arse, Edmund! You don't get to spy on me!" I screamed again at him.

"You don't get to let a simple boy do whatever the hell he wants on you!" he screamed again.

"So you think I am just a simple boy?!" joined Philip again.

"Shut up, Hamilton! What? Do you think you're better than me?!" shouted Edmund.

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!" I screamed down my throat.

"Alice, stay out of this!" said Edmund as he pushed me away.

"Now, between you and me, Hamilton." started Edmund.

"Look, I can explain everything..." he said and glimpsed at me.

He punched him again.

"EDMUND, I SWEAR TO GOD—" I said as I slapped my brother.

He looked at me like he never did before, he looked furious and disappointed.

"How could you?" he asked in disappointment.

"I will not let you become someone who is not you and I will NOT let you hurt Philip one more time!" I said about to cry.

"Every time you hurt him, you hurt me even more!" I screamed as I cried.

Philip rushed to me and wrapped his arms around me to calm me down.

"What the hell is wrong with you, man?" argued Philip, this time he wasn't afraid.

"Why won't you just accept that we are something and you could never undo it?!" shouted Philip. He was furious.

"Alice means the whole world to me, she is the best thing that ever happened to me and I won't let her dumb brother ruin it all!" he added.

As I calmed down, I held Philip tight.

"Philip is the only person I can trust with my whole life—I still believed in you but you just proven that you were not worthy of it anymore." I said.

"Not worthy anymore?!" he shouted.

"I HATE YOU." I screamed.

"Nice job 'best brother in the world'!" joked Philip.

Edmund lost his temper and pulled Philip away and punched him two more times.

I thought I'd lost it until I saw Philip punching him back.

I couldn't take it anymore. I hated seeing Philip fight.

"I hate both of you." I said and walked away.

"ALICE!" screamed both of them.

Philip ran to me and held my arm but I pushed him away. Edmund sweared at Philip and went back in the house.

"Alice, please, I'm sorry!" he begged his pardon.

"Such a pity, Hamilton." I said in disappointment.

He cried and kept on walking next to me.

"Alice, please don't" he cried.

I tried to hold my hand but I pushed him.

"I don't want to talk to you, OR ANYONE right now!" I screamed.

"Edmund ruined everything, now he might be telling my father about this and throw dirt at you!" I started.
"But it didn't mean YOU had to punch him back." I screamed as I cried.

"Alice..." he mumbled.

"Go home, Philip. I don't want to see you." I said.
It hurt me to say but I couldn't spend any more second with him.

"Where are YOU going?" he asked, worried.

"Anywhere except my house. I neither don't want to see Edmund." I said and I sighed.

"Don't you love me anymore?" he asked in sadness.

I winded him out and walk away.

He stayed at the same spot for a minute then went back home in my commandement.

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