Something Old XVII: Universities

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Philip's POV

"My dearest Philip,
I hope you're having lots of fun in England with Alice. I remember how beautiful it was when I first met Alice there.
I'd like to meet with you as soon as you come back. I haven't made any friends yet and I can't wait to have you back.
By the way, I'm sorry, I wasn't able to write you earlier, you see, my mother is sick and she can't go to work so I have to do all the work to feed us and keep ourselves warm.
Don't worry, we already went to the doctor who gave my mother a treatment and he told us that she will gain her force in less than a month. Until so, I still need to work harder and harder everyday.
Please enjoy your summer and perhaps enjoy it for me as well. Say 'hello' to Alice from my part.
Love, Daisy."

It broke my heart that Daisy's mother was sick and I was not able to help, I was not even in the same country as them, I was an ocean away.
And I didn't know how to tell Alice those news.
I don't really know how close they were but her reaction when she saw Daisy was like she saw her sister after so long, so I guess they were pretty close. I wonder why they stopped talking though.

I thought about Daisy a lot that I forgot to read the letter my father has sent me. I was not even thinking about Alice or what happened between us last night. I was just focused on Daisy who's working so hard and her sick mother.

There is a part of me that doesn't want to and hate to admit this but if I hadn't met Alice, I would totally try my chances with Daisy. I've known her for a short amount of time but I feel like I've known her since I was an infant.

Damnit Philip! You are in a deep committed relationship with the woman of your life, what are you thinking?

I needed to write Daisy back but I didn't want Alice to know because I know how obsessive she can get when it comes to me having strong relationships with other women than her and our families. I don't completely disagree with her since she doesn't have really close relationship with other man than me but I won't say no to having other girls by my side other than Alice or Angie.
So I was going to write Daisy after Alice will fall asleep.

Without waiting any more minutes, I opened the letter from my father.

"My dear son, Philip,
We all miss you a lot. Your absence left us all empty inside. Your mother is doing fine, her pregnancy is healthy, she is just a little emotional, she can't wait for you to come back home. Angelica misses you a lot. Alex and James are doing great and John can't wait to start boarding school on September, he has many questions for you.
And for me, I miss you a lot.
By the way, I know it's early but Alice's birthday is approaching and your mother and I are willing to give her a gift. Yet, we need you to help us figure it out. I'm sure you have plenty of ideas since she is your best friend.
Take good care of you and please son, don't act out too much in London, I don't think too much Hamilton there would please them.
Faithfully, your father, Alexander Hamilton."

I sighed in relief as nothing bad happened since I was gone and I was happy to learn that my mother was doing good and that she was still pregnant. I wouldn't like to miss the birth of my little sister.

I folded the letter and put it back in the envelope then put it in my pocket. Daisy's letter was still on the table. I stared at it for a couple of seconds until I heard Alice's footsteps coming downstairs. I immediately hid the letter in my pocket next to my father's.

I turned back to reveal Alice, standing right in front of me with a beautiful white flower laced knee length dress with a yellow satin sash.

Her hair was wavy and separated from the side and the front of her hair was braided and held up back into an up-do. She had small pieces of hair falling on her forehead.

Her cheeks were rosy as always and her emerald green eyes were shining. She gave me a soft smile revealing her dimples.

My jaw fell open.

"What?" Alice laughed.

"You look so beautiful. Like every single damn day." I said and reached her waist.

She pulled back a strand of hair that was falling on my forehead and kissed my nose. I got goosebumps.

Then she got away from me and looked at the ground a little disappointed.

"Alice? Did I do something wrong?" I asked in panic.

"No. Of course not. You're the best." she said softly trying to smile but not really succeeding.

"Then what is it? Alice, did something bad happen?" I asked even more in panic.

"No. Well, yeah. It's just—" she sighed.

"When I will go back in America, we might not see each other as much as we used to." she said quietly.

"What do you mean?" I asked perplexed.

"University." she mumbled under her breath.

"But King's College is in New York, plus, I will come back every weekend and I won't be there for the whole day! It's okay, I promise." I assured her even if I was not that sure about it. I was not going to be like my father anyway, I needed to keep my social life alive unlike my father, writing and studying all day and night.

"I'm not talking about you, Philip." she let out a soft sigh then she looked into my eyes.

"I got accepted in a university as well..." she admitted finally.

"What? Alice! It's amazing! I'm so happy for you! Which one?" I asked her cheering.

"Don't be shocked. Please don't say anything. It's...Harvard College." she let it out and sighed.

"It's even better than King's College! Alice! You are a genius! You're such an inspirational woman!" I said and hugged her until I realised something.

"Wait a minute...isn't it in...Massachusetts?" I asked hoping I was wrong.

"Unfortunately, yes." she said deeply.

I sighed but I was still very proud of my girl.

"It's okay! We can always write each other! I will come and visit you every month and—" I said in panic trying to see the bright side of the things.

"I am so lucky. I've always wanted the best education. I thought I'd go in Oxford University here in England but Harvard is good enough for me. My father is so proud. And I will join Horace which means I won't be completely alone" she sighed.

"I didn't wanted to tell you anything about this until we came back in America but...I can't keep anything to myself and you know it." she said quietly.

A/N: Honestly I'm so confused about what I'm writing and I lost the tie of my ideas, dEaL wiTh iT!1!1! But I still really enjoy this cHeEsy story & I hope you do as well hEhE.

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