Something Old XIII: Edmund's Reasons

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Alice's POV

"I don't think I will ever be able to like Philip. He is a man of honour, he has lots of qualities and he makes you happy. Yet, I couldn't like him like everybody else did." he started.

"I feel like it's unfair that I took care of you for so long and then he came into our lives and he took all the years you had with me and made them his." he said and sighed.

"Edmund..." I whispered.

"I still remember the day they took mum away. It still hurts and the worst thing is that, dad and I were there when they...and her neck—" he said but started to tear up.

"Shut up! I don't want to know! You never told me you were there!" I screamed. And I hugged him.

"Sometimes it could be so much easier if she was there, you know?" he whispered.

I nodded as I cried.

"The next days, everyone was ignoring what happened, dad worked even harder and didn't get out of his goddamn office. I was broken, Aurora almost lost her mind, Horace didn't understand a thing and you kept on asking me questions about what happened." he said and started to cry even more.

"I took care of you but it was so hard for me to get through this without having her by our side." he continued.

"I miss her." I cried.

"We all miss her, dad doesn't show it but a part of him died when she did." he added.

I looked at the ground and sighed.

"I feel like we are cursed." I said.

"Seeing you with Philip makes me feel like I was never important for you and you never cared about everything we did together." he said.

"Edmund, no." I tried to whisper but my voice wouldn't get out.

"That's why I didn't like Philip and I'm not intending to change anything about it. I hope we could be friends one day but only time will tell." he added.

"I understand." I sighed.

"And I hope that everything could go back to normal between you and me." he finished.

We hugged again and wiped our tears away.

"Edmund, you've been always there for me and I love you more than anything. You've been such a role model to me, I always took your example. I cared, care and will care about you until my dying days. You mean more than the universe to me and no one will ever change it. We sure have our ups and downs, it can take some time before everything goes back to normal but the day I loose you, I will loose myself, okay?" I said in a severe tone.

"I'm happy to have you as a sister, Alice. I'm serious." he said quietly.

"Me too, Eddie." I smiled.

"But now, can you please give the answer to my question; what is going on between you and Philip?" he asked hesitantly.

I sighed but kept a smile on and even blushed a little bit.

"Philip isn't only my best friend, he is also my boyfriend. It's been almost three months now." I finally had the courage to tell him.

"Wow. Well that was predictable." he laughed.

"But please, do not tell this to anyone, not even our family. The only one who knows this is you and Philip's sister, Angelica." I said in panic.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Imagine when our whole family learns this. They will keep on asking us questions like when we will get married, if we will move in together or if we will ever have kids... You know, I'm not even seventeen yet!" I said and sighed.

"Oh. OH. Right." he said as he realised everything.

We both sighed, looked at each other then coughed at the same time. Brother and sister connection I guess.

We came back home and I went to my room and throw myself to bed.

I was so happy after so long. Everything was good between Philip and I and I cleared up things with Edmund.

I was too energetic to spend my time in my room so I went for a walk hoping to find Philip at the park and I did but he was not alone.

There was a girl beside him who wasn't one of her sisters. She had curly blonde hair and had a  simple pink dress. She didn't seem like she was the richest in town. I could only see her back, though so I walked near them.

"Um. Hello?" I said quietly.

"Alice! Alice? What are you doing here?" Philip asked me when he saw me.

"Who is this young lady next to y—" I started but couldn't finish my sentence as she turned away.

"Daisy?" I asked in shock.

"Alice!" she squealed.

"It's been so long! How have you been?" I asked and leaned over for a hug.

"Time flies! I'm great, what about you?" she asked.

"I'm very well, thank you. What are you doing in New York?" I asked her curiously.

"My mother, Abby and I moved here. My father and Percy are still in Virginia. We are having some sort of financial problems and my mother found a job that pays here." she mumbled but kept a smile on.

"Oh...I'm so sorry. It's so great to see you again" I said.

"It's so great to see you too!" she said.

"How do you guys know each other?" I asked them.

"Daisy and I met here a few days ago when you and I were still—" he said then stopped.

"And I offered to stay with me until her mother came and we spoke a lot. Now I guess we're friends!" he continued happily.

"Yeah. Also thank to me, he didn't came back home all drunk!" Daisy laughed.

Philip's eyes widened up and he looked at the ground.

"Drunk?" I asked confused.

"Well, he already finished a bottle of beer when I arrived. He already had money out to buy another one but..." she said quietly then saw Philip's reaction to my reaction and immediately stopped.

"You drank?" I asked Philip.

"Maybe a little." he said quietly and hesitantly.

"I preferred the sensitive version of you, Pip! Why would you even do something like that? Does Eliza know about this?" I shouted at him disappointed.

"My mum doesn't know, please don't tell! And I was helpless! You made me like that!" he backfired.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Days without you were hard, okay? I needed to get everything off my mind even for a short time." he said and held my waist.

"Yeah whatever. Just know that when our first kid will born, I won't let you drink when the slightest thing happens!" I said and laughed.

"Your kid?" Daisy asked in confusion.

"We never even—" Philip blushed.

"I'm talking about the future!" I said immediately.

"The future seems fun. When is the future?" asked Philip and smirked.

I looked at him in shock and punched his arm.

"Stop acting like Edmund!" he said in a high pitched voice to imitate mine.

"Hey! It's not funny. By the way, I need to talk to you about him, now." I said forgetting about Daisy.

"I should probably go. See you later Phil! Bye Alice!" she said and went away.

A/N: So I haven't posted since a long time & now I'm back *dab* I still have a few more chapters that I already wrote to post so be ready!
BTW—hi SoFiA, dO yOu LiKe tHiS cHeEse?!1?1!1

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