Something Old XXIII: Happy Birthday

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Philip's POV

I hanged out with the boys for a while before going back to our dorms in the afternoon.
I still had to unpack and prepare all my courses.

I opened the door and came inside, James followed me.

"Alright, I need to unpack everything now!" I sighed and we laughed.

James has already unpacked and picked his bed.

"I'm going to find something to eat. I'll see what we got in the cupboard. Do ya want anything?" he asked. He was very kind, I now understand why my father liked the Laurens'.

"If it's not too much to ask, I'd like to have what you'll make yourself. Thank you!" I said.

"Of course pal!" he said and went to the kitchen.

I first unpacked my clothes and then arranged my desk. I finally put the framed portrait of Alice and I on my desk.

James entered in.

"Well. There was bread and peanut butter. My grandmother gave me a jar of jam so...I made us a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I hope it's not ruining your standards." he said and laughed.

"Sounds delicious! Thank you bud!" I said and laughed as well.

He gave me the sandwich and he saw the framed picture on my desk.

"Oh, who's this? She looks beautiful!" he said.

"Back off! She's my girlfriend!" I said and laughed.

"Well of course yes, how can a Hamilton not get a girl, right?" he joked.

I scoffed and chuckled.

We ate our sandwich on our bed and talked to get to know each other better.

"So, what's your girlfriend's name?" he asked me first.

"Alice. I already miss her so much." I said.

"Is she staying back in New York waiting for you to come back?" he asked.

"Actually, she is in Massachusetts right now, she goes to Harvard College." I said proudly.

"Merlin's beard! How'd you find her? You must be lucky to have her! And I'm sure she is lucky to have you." he said kindly and also in shock.

"Yeah, she's the love of my life. I really love her. I might propose to her after college." I said and smiled.

"What about you, Laurens?" I asked.

"I don't have anyone for now, I used to date this really cute girl but she moved out of town and I can't see her anymore so we just stayed friends I guess." he said.

"Sometimes it'll be like that. Hey, I'm sure you'll find someone, aye?" I said.

"Yeah right!" he said and smiled.

We talked a lot about our families and our life, what we want to do later and lots of other things. I was happy to have a new friend as nice as him.

The night before going to bed, I wrote a letter to my family and one to Alice to tell them about my first day and to check if they are alright.

Alice's POV

~Earlier That Day~

I've just arrived at Harvard College. I registered and went to my dorm. There was only a few girls but I was sharing a dorm with a boy.

His name was Charles. He was nice to me. We became friends quickly and I had a great first day.

I wrote a letter to my family saying that I was fine and that I missed them.

I was too tired to stay awake so I went to bed.

* * *

For the next months, I've been studying really hard and so was Philip. He sent me lots of letters every month like he promised.

It was soon my birthday, in October, and I was sad that I couldn't celebrate it with my family and Philip but at least Horace, my brother was here with me. He was taking care of me discretely.

~Morning Of The 15th Of October~

Philip's POV

It was the love of my life's birthday. And no way I was not going to be present for her. Thankfully, it was a Saturday which meant no school and we had a whole weekend to spend together.

I took the first train to Massachusetts of the day which was at dawn. I arrived at Harvard College and first dropped my stuff in Horace's dorm and we greeted each other. I really liked him, he was like the older brother I never had. We talked a little and then I went in Alice's dorm.

Her dorm was way bigger than mine. She had a small kitchen like I do, a little living room and two separate rooms. I only had one room with two beds. But I can't lie, I wouldn't want Alice to sleep in the same room as another guy, I'd be jealous.

I went to her room quietly and I kissed her forehead. She seemed a bit confused because she didn't open her eyes immediately but she felt someone kissing her.

She took a deep breath then stretched. As soon as she opened her eyes, they got wider and wider.

"Oh my God! Philip!" she screamed and jumped on me.

"Alice, I missed you so much!" I said and hugged her.

"You've came her for my birthday? I can't believe you!" she said and hugged me even tighter.

"Of course I was going to come here, no way I was going to leave you alone for your birthday!" I said and kissed her.

She kissed me back and we stayed like that for a few seconds until we had to breathe again.

We lied in her bed for a few moments, she was playing with my hair and I was playing with hers. She kissed my nose a few times because she knows I loved it.

Then suddenly, I jumped on her and held her tight from the waist.

"What are you doing, Philip?! Charles is sleeping in the other room!" said Alice but laughed.

"Okay okay. I'll leave it for tonight." I said and I groaned.

Alice blushed a lot and rolled her eyes at me.

I took her in my arms and kept on hugging her because I didn't wanted to stop. I didn't wanted to let her go.

"What's today's plan?" she asked.

"Anything you want, love." I said and smiled.

"I just know what I want to do tonight but the rest is up to you..." I added and smirked.

I got a well deserved punch on my arm by Alice who was now redder than a tomato.

"We can go eat brunch and then umm, can we go flower picking? And then we can maybe have a picnic and finally observe the stars at night on the grass." she said.

"Sounds perfect! I love you and happy birthday, you are seventeen now!" I said and hugged her.

She smiled at me.

We left her dorm hands in hands and walked downtown and went to a café and had a lovely brunch together. We talked about everything that happened in our college life and new things we learnt.

Then we went to an open field of flowers and I helped Alice pick the most beautiful ones. She was having so much fun and I couldn't be happier to see her smile once again. She was so precious and adorable. Seeing her picking flowers and showing them to me like a little toddler made me cry a little bit. I usually never cry but I got somehow emotional and she was the cutest thing ever.

A/N: now that I have plenty of time in front of me, I can write a lot and I have lots of inspiration so I hope you're enjoying the story as much as I love writing it. I'm just making a huge fluff between Alice and Philip cause we nEeD sUm fLuFf!1!1!1!

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