Something New XXVII: Time Doesn't Matter

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Alice's POV

It was a lovely evening along side my family and the Hamilton's.

The dinner was delicious and the atmosphere was angelic.

Everyone was talking, I was probably the one who talked the most but I don't really mind it, I had interesting things to share with everybody.

I also couldn't ignore the fact that Philip was staring at me like a moron. My moron.

The night seemed pretty long, we stayed at the Hamilton's until past midnight and we went back home.

On the way back home I talked a lot with Edmund, he drank slightly more than he should've and I'd lie if I said that he was less unpleasant than always in that situation.

"Alice, when will you and Philip tell everyone you're a...a thing, you know?" he asked curiously.

"Probably after my birthday. I think it's better that way. Why ask?" I told him.

"I don't know, I guess I just wanted to know that, you're my little sister after all."

"Yeah about that Eddie...when were you going to tell me that you had a girlfriend and know you guys-" I started and he immediately cut me off.

"Shush! Be quieter! I was going to tell you..." he said.

"Alright, I am all ears." I said with a sinister smile.

"She is actually not my girlfriend. I really regret this but it was some sort of one night stand..." he started.

"What?!" I almost screamed.

"Alice!" he said in a mad tone.

"Okay sorry...but, what?!" I whispered.

"I hate myself for that because you know how I hate when men disrespect women and I just did the thing I'm the most disgusted of." he continued.

"How did it happen?" I asked curiously.

"I was at the pub one day in downtown and I drank a little too much and well I met this girl. Her name was...Daisy." he said.

"WAIT WHAT?" I screamed again.

"What's wrong?" he asked me.

"Daisy, Daisy is literally my childhood friend you're talking about." I said.

"Wait, there could be like millions of Daisies here, I don't think-" he started until I cut him.

"Was she working there?" I asked.

"Yeah but-" he tried to speak.

"Golden curls, blue eyes?" I asked.

"...Yeah?..." he said quietly.

"Is she from...ugh. From Virginia?" I asked and sighed.

"Well...she didn't tell me anything but..she used a few dialects that Mr. Jefferson uses and I know he's from Virginia..." he said.

"My. God. Edmund." I said and face palmed.

"I couldn't know! And I told you I regret it!" he said immediately.

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