Something Old XXXVI: Summer 1801

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Philip's POV

I went to the train station to surprise Alice.

I saw her train arrive and I prepared the flowers I got her.

When the passengers were getting out, I could feel my heart skipping a beat.

I was way too excited to see Alice and tell her the news.

I saw a small body with a peachy coloured dress and a cute sun hat walking towards me.

I smiled to my ears and ran towards her.

She lifted her dress, held her hat and started doing the same.

We hugged at it felt like the time stopped and we were the only humans in the whole entire existence.

"I missed you so much." she said hugging me even tighter.

"So did I." I replied and kissed her forehead.

I took her suitcase and offered her my arm.

"Shall we, my dear?" I asked in a romantic way.

"We indeed shall, my love." he said playing the game.

We walked in the streets of New York.

It was warm and everything around us was colourful.

There was almost no cloud in the sky and the birds were singing for us.

"Alice, how did your exams go?" I asked curiously.

I perceived a huge smile on her face that gave a huge warmth in my heart.

"I scored a perfect grade. 100 out of 100!" she squealed.

"Oh my! That's my girl! I love you!" I almost shouted. I was so proud, I knew she was incredibly intelligent but not even the most clever students in my school can score this good.

"What about you Hamham?" she asked.

Hamham. Seriously? That was a nickname she gave me when we were like fourteen.
Can she get even cuter?

"I got a 98 out of 100." I said less proudly even though I was the highest score in my year.

"You're amazing! That's so great Philip!" she exclaimed.

"I also have to tell you something..." I started.

Her happy face becomes suddenly so serious.

"I'm...all ears." she said with a straight face.

"I was- well I- I had some- the headmaster offered me something- I-" I barely could talk.

"Sentences Pip? You know, we're not in Prehistory anymore, right?" she said teasing me.

"I graduated at the end of my last exam." I let it out.

There was a huge silence, it was so silent that even the noise of the streets were soundless.

"What?" she asked me. Her british accent was so clear once she pronounced this word.

"I can say that I followed my father's steps. I took extra studying sessions and did extra paperwork. I astonished everything. I surpassed myself. I don't only want to become like father, I want to be even better than him!" I said with pride.

Alice sighed and looked at me in the eyes.

"I, Alice Prudence Williams, am so proud of you, Philip Hamilton. You are truly a pride to your family. I love you." she said and hugged me.

"Thank you, Al. I love you even more." I said.

She giggled and kept gave me her hand to keep on walking.

* * *
Alice's POV

He walked me to my house and had to leave even before I knocked at the door.

When I came inside everyone greeted me and they hugged me.

I went to my room and unpacked since I was going to stay there for a few weeks before leaving and going to Europe.

* * *

After two weeks of catching up with all my family, especially Edmund, I was really happy.

All of them were so proud of me for the amazing results.

I also spent a lot of time in my astronomy room. Philip joined me a few times and we ended up...well you know what since I told him that Horace could hear us, we were not really in the mood to do anything there anymore.

I met up with other friends as well during that time and I loved each second of the past two weeks.

Next week, I was going to leave so I spent a lot of time with Philip.

Philip's POV

Today is the day Alice is leaving, she is taking the boat with her family. My family and I decided to accompany them to the port.

"It's just for a month and a half Pip, you don't have to cry!" Alice said to me.

"It's not tears! I'm just...having allergies!" I tried to keep my manly manners but broke down in her arms.

"Pip-" squealed Alice and started to cry as well.

"Beware, there's too much love ahead." mumbled Edmund and Angelica pretended to gag.

Alice rolled her eyes at them.

"You're just jealous!" I shouted and laughed.

We all laughed. And said our last goodbyes.

I hugged Alice as tight as could and kissed her one last time.

"I love you, be safe!" I said before she got on the boat.

"I love you even more" she said and winked.

"Promise me to write every week!" she shouted.

"I promise. Oh! And- don't you dare to talk to those french boys!" I teased her.

"Oh shut up American boy!" she teased me back.

And so like that, she was gone for the summer.

In my side, father was going to take me to the Caribbean, Nevis to be precise. It was his childhood town and he wants to show me around. There was a huge hurricane that destroyed the whole town and since, he hasn't seen the new Nevis.

I discovered a lot about my father's childhood.

Not many of his friends were still alive which was quite sad but he still made up with a few ones.

He showed me everything and I was just mind blown. He lived in such horrible circumstances yet he became one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. I'm yet again proud to be a Hamilton.

We only stayed there for two weeks and we came back along side the rest of our family to spend the rest of the holidays with them.

Aunt Angelica was also here.

It was quite a tough time for both mother and auntie Angelica because my aunt Peggy has recently passed away and without her, there was a huge hole in the Schuyler Sisters trio.

I was also very sad, I was very close with aunt Peggy and it feels weird to not have her around anymore. But I believe that she's now in such a beautiful and better place and one day, I will see her again.

* * *

I went to my bed and closed my eyes.

Today was the last day of the holidays. Even though I didn't have school anymore, it was time for me to start to find a job.

Alice was going to come back in September.

So I had until September to find a proper job because I wanted to spend the rest of the time she had here with her.

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