A Hairy Situation

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Three
A Hairy Situation

"There's so many new people, I almost didn't see you in here." I commented as I ate the food that appeared before me.

"Yeah, most kids are gonna be arriving until tomorrow afternoon, that's the cut-off day." Amber replied, "Did you lose Vladimir on your way here?"

"No," I muttered, "He's been in a mood over the whole 'wand' thing all morning. He's also mad at Gage because he didn't wait for him after he made a scene and left the wand shop."

"But... he does have a new wand too, right?"

"Oh, yes. It's a whitewood with a doll's eye core. Lin said it was peculiar."

"Doll's eye? I never knew he was compatible with that..." Amber said in awe, "Is that was his old wand had?"

Shrugging, I took a bite of my food, "Beats me, but I'll try talking to him about it more later, hopefully he's more willing but he hasn't really said much since we got back."

"Really?" Amber asked as she ate some of her soup. I shook my head as I looked at the empty spot beside me for a second before responding, "It's not like him... I mean, I understand being upset with a wand core that's chosen by bad people, but like Lin said, it's the owner who's bad, not the wand."

"I understand that, but I'm sure he just needs some time." She replied only to start choking a second later as Arthur arrived and sat down beside me in Vlad's spot.

"Afternoon." He said in an agitated tone.

"You must have been having an awful time if you're sitting at the Talian table instead of your own." I commented.

"Yeah? Is it that noticeable?" He gave a sarcastic laugh as he covered his forehead with his hand, "I've been hiding from my brothers ever since we got back, I don't want them to see me like this."

"L-Like what?" Amber asked as she continued to try to hide her laughter at his lack of brows.

"Sod off, I know I look a mess!" He hissed, "But Vladimir won't undo the hex and Gage ignores me when I ask him!"

"Have you tried apologising to Vlad about earlier? If you do, he'll maybe bring them back?" I thought aloud.

"No way. I don't have anything to be sorry about. Everything I said was true about the wand and him. He just over-reacted."

"Well, why don't you just draw some new brows on?" I suggested, staring at his bigger forehead.

"Draw them on... That wouldn't look natural at all!" He said, brushing the thought away.

"I know a lot of girls that draw on brows though!" Amber exclaimed, "Lucy does it every morning, but that takes her half an hour at least."

"I don't have half an hour though."

"What about two minutes?" I asked, waving my new wand around proudly to conjure up a marker.

Arthur gave the marker a look of sadness before turning towards me, "J-Just make them look as natural as you can, please?"

"Don't worry, Arthur, I've got this!" And with the black marker in hand, I stood up and pushed his bangs to the side as I put my concentration on full blast and my skills to the test.

"Don't worry, Arthur, I've got this!" And with the black marker in hand, I stood up and pushed his bangs to the side as I put my concentration on full blast and my skills to the test

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