A Day in the Life of Vladimir and Arthur

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Twenty-Four
A Day in the Life of Vladimir and Arthur

"Your paper on stuff, huh? Well don't say I never once doubted your lying skills, Vladimir." Arthur scoffed as the two boys headed as far as they could from the library.

"Shut up, I was concentrating on my Antonio theory and I winged it a little."

"Not well." Arthur replied, hiding his smirk.

"But we're out?" Vlad pointed out.

"Are we tagging along with _____ or what now?"

"No, I don't feel like having a scavenger hunt for her, but I'm guessing she went with Bliss, so why don't we go check in on Antonio?"

"You're really eager to get proven wrong, huh?" Arthur asked with a smile, and though Vladimir had some doubts himself, he was twice as eager to help solve the mystery as fast as possible. Seeing the winter break would be wiping out a majority of the possible suspects, he decided it best to try to solve as much as he could sooner rather than later.

It was only as Arthur had followed Vladimir into the boy's dormitory in the Ians house that he finally stopped to question their reason as to being there. As the brunette popped his head out of the trunk at the foot of his bed, the blonde stared dumbstruck at the scene before him.

"What on earth are you wearing?" Arthur asked, his eyes glued to the monocle and top hat he was wearing.

"I'm a detective! Analie got this for me last year when she visited one of those nongifted places! She said it's what the nongift detectives wear!" Vladimir stated proudly as he reached into the chest for a matching hat for Arthur.

"Are you sure they wear those, though?" He asked, so distracted that he barely had time to react as a similar hat went flying at his face.

"You get the blue one!" Vladimir commented as he adjusted his own hat.

"What if I want that one?" Arthur asked, pointing his finger at the black one on Vladimir's head.

"No way, this one is mine. You get that one."

"But I want that one!" Arthur protested.


"Well... Do you have another one that's not blue? This one just doesn't fit my 'detective' persona!"

Vladimir nodded before opening the trunk once again and retrieving a hat of the same fashion, but in a dark ember red with a silky, floral ribbon tied around it. Arthur almost wouldn't have minded that, had it not been for the pins and flowers protruding from the side.

Even so, the blue hat was laid to rest in the trunk, perhaps never to be seen again.

Arthur continued adjusting the hat on his head every now and again when the question as to why Vladimir has so many hats popped into his head.

"Oh, she gets me a new one each year she goes to the nongift world," Vladimir answered, talking about Analie.

"A collection of sorts, I see."

The brunette gave a nod before proceeding down the hall towards the Talian garden where the door was. However, upon arrival, there was obviously no door there.

"I don't suppose you know the way in?" Vladimir wondered as he looked at the ground with his arms crossed.

"Last time, it was thanks to ________ that we got in at all, really." Arthur sighed.

The two stood about for a minute longer before Vladimir gave out a huff and turned to walk out.

"Where are you off to then?" Arthur asked, and though he received no response, he followed Vladimir all the way to library.

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