Three Symbols Unknown

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Twenty-One
Three Symbols Unknown

Word of Amber's death had spread throughout the school two days after it happened. While a few professors would take turns trying to interview me, I just couldn't bring myself to respond. Classes were cancelled for the following week and midterms pushed back a week while ministry officials came to take a report and her body to her parents for a proper burial.

The funeral was short. Uncomfortably short and cold. So cold.

The following Monday was quiet. Between classes, I felt comfort going into the hospital wing to sit and talk to the boys who were still peacefully asleep. Blissfully unaware of what had transpired ever so recently. Even Vlad wouldn't bother me here.

"I wish you could send a sign," I murmured to Alfred as I sat in a chair between, he and Dylan's beds, "I'm sure you saw their faces. Those people who did this to you are surely the ones who ki—" I stopped before the word came out completely. It was still such a hard sentence to finish.

>If you're in the Etals House<

It was so silent in the hospital wing that when the door opened, my head immediately shot in that direction.

It was Gage. In his hands was a tray of food and a book.

"I'm not hungry," I said, turning back to my own book in my hands.

"Pretty narcissistic of you to assume this is for you," he snarled as he pulled up a seat in front of me. "This is mine. I need a break from Bliss and that first year she won't leave alone. Ya know, the one she's mentoring? It's frustrating, I never get any alone time anymore, she brings him everywhere."

I didn't reply, instead keeping my eyes forced on the words on the page I had been rereading over and over.

"Thirsty?" He asked, raising something in his hand. I shook my head, but he had tossed whatever was in his hand at me and it fell down my book onto my lap. Looking down, it was a warm carton of strawberry milk.

"How did you--?"

"I guessed you might like it. A month or so ago I was on the roof top – I guess I was eating up there since my tray was there. Well, anyway, there was one of those on it and it was good."

A small smile had crept on my face without me knowing as I remembered that day. It was a much easier time since my biggest concern then was Analie.

I opened the drink and drank quickly as I felt warm tears streaming down my face. The warmth of the drink was more than comforting.

"You should take a break from your schoolwork. No one else is really doing theirs and they didn't even know her like you did." He spoke. As he finished, he tossed the book he was holding onto my lap. "Light reading though, I can get behind that."

Just as I picked the book up to give it back to him, he stood up and began to stretch out, "Give it a read. At least the first page. I went through so many damn hoops to get my hands on that book without anyone finding out it was me. Keep it safe and don't let anyone find it or see it."

As strange as he sounded, he set off, leaving the tray of food on the seat he was occupying.

I furrowed my brows and set down my latin course book in exchange for Gage's book.

Opening it up, sat a piece of parchment with his writing that read: "This book was found at the courtyard when she died. Check out page 27."

I skimmed through until I found the page, on it were small symbols. I suppose if she did have this book with her, she wouldn't want just anyone to be able to decipher and get rid of the book. Looking at the symbols was peculiar though as they didn't look like anything easy to understand.

Three rectangles with squiggles, a pointy hat, and a magnifying glass with a question mark drawn in the centre.

"Oh yeah!" Gage's voice echoed from in front of the door, "There's going to be a meeting for the big sibling club tonight in the library right after eight. You need to go."

>If you're in any other house<

It was so silent in the hospital wing that when the door opened, my head immediately shot in that direction.

Deep inside, I was hoping it would be Vlad, but the only time he entered the hospital wing was when we were both brought here that day... Even then, he looked alert and anxious the entire time and left as soon as he was allowed to leave.

Instead, it was Bliss. In her hand, she held a book and in the other, a yellow rose.

"I don't want to talk right now." I murmured, looking down at my textbook.

"It's okay," she replied faintly as she sat down on her knees in front of me, "I brought you a gift though... Perhaps it will be of good use in your hands rather than in the headmasters for now."

I furrowed my brows as she extended her arms, handing the book to me.

We sat like that for a second before I finally reached over and took it.

"I can't do the thingie Lukas can where he can communicate by mind," she commented just as faint as before. "So, listen carefully and keep that book safe, okay?"

Had even a single window been open, the sound of the rain outside would have surley washed her voice out; however, since we were the only two awake in the hospital wing, her voice was just audible enough for only me to hear. "It belonged to Amber. It was there the day she was murdered."

I could feel my skin tense up as her words, as true as they were, were said with such innocent bluntness to them.

"There are some very peculiar drawings on this page—" with her wand, she flipped it open to 27, "Gage and I snuck the book from the headmaster's office, so no one knows where it is right now or who has it... Let's keep it that way until we can figure out what those symbols mean."

Three rectangles with squiggles, a pointy hat, and a magnifying glass with a question mark drawn in the centre.

"Why... me?" I wondered, shutting the book closed so that the tears now pricking my eyes wouldn't ruin the pages.

She didn't speak for a while. Instead, she pressed her lips together and inhaled deeply, "I just trust that you know more than you're going to ever tell me – or Gage – or anyone else, really. I hope that since you think that you can solve it yourself, that you then will..."

"C-Can I have help?" I asked, my voice cracking as the thought of someone else getting hurt crossed my mind.

She smiled faintly, "We're having a secret meeting tonight in the big sibling room. Come join us there just after eight. We're all here for you."

I nodded, pulling the book close and she pet my head softly before skipping back out as if nothing happened.

Primtalia: School of Sorcery (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now