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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Twelve

The next morning came rather quickly. As I made my way through a quick breakfast with Arthur, we once again walked to our potions class together. In contrast to Arthur's usual attitude, the entire walk there, he seemed to look rather amused by everything I said to him.

Once again, it didn't last forever though as this time, Analie was standing at the door of the class as if waiting for someone. As we approached, her glare seemed all so clear.

"What do you want?" Arthur hissed, moving slightly in front of me so as to serve as a wall of distraction for me to sneak into the class.

"Not to talk to you for starters -- ______. Let's talk." She spat, looking passed him.

I cringed as she said my name, but my feet froze beneath me, "Ah - It's cool Arthur, I'll be just a second."

He gave me a curious "are you sure" look to which I replied to with a slow nod.

After Arthur disappeared into the classroom, her arms crossed as she cocked a brow, "What did you say to my Vladdie?"

"I didn't say anything."

"You must've said something. He was harder to cheer up last night than usual."

"I didn't-" But then I furrowed my brows as I thought back. "I only told him how I felt."

She didn't look satisfied with my answer, but she also didn't press any further. She gave a slow nod before raising her brow as she looked me over, "People always like me when they first meet me-"

"Arthur doesn't like you either." I said with a confidence that baffled me.

Her eyes widened before they narrowed again, "I said people," she then laughed aloud, but as soon as she started laughing, she stopped and let out a short sigh, "I'm joking! It's a joke!"

"Humours not your strong suit I see." I mumbled.

"Sarcasm is yours though." She replied before looking passed me, towards the end of the hall where Professor Wellix's could be heard coming closer. She turned her attention back to me and decided to move things along faster, "Look. The thing is my Vladie seems to be super strung up on whatever you told him yesterday and he's been giving me the cold shoulder since. So why don't you just swallow your pride and sit at our table?"

"Swallow my pride?" I hissed, but she continued, "You are his friend aren't you?"

"That's not your business-"

"It's a yes or no question."

"I don't need to explain-"

"Yes. Or. No?"

I rolled my eyes and decided to just head on in since she was being difficult but was somewhat surprised to see she had pulled me back, "Sit at our table and let's be friends. Believe me when I say friendship with me is something that will make your life a lot easier in the future... You never know when bad things could happen to you otherwise."

"Is that meant to be a threat?" I hissed, glaring back at her.

"Is that meant to be a threat?" I hissed, glaring back at her

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now