His First Day of School

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Thirty-Three
His First Day of School

Before entering the potions room, I had made a B line to my dormitory to find the blue jelly. Once at the potion's classroom, Professor Wellix was walking by the shelves of ingredients, taking stock of the ingredients.

"Professor?" I asked, knocking at the door.

His focused look quickly changed to one of complete joy as he looked over to me and gave a welcoming laugh, "_______, my dear! What brings you here? Want to try some more advanced potions?"

"Well, are you busy?" I wondered.

"Just taking stock. I swear the strangest of ingredients have been disappearing off my shelves!" He said, flabbergasted.

"Like what?" I continued, walking over to look at the checklist of ingredients in the book he had. Seeing his handwriting however, I realised it was illegible.

"Mainly a lot of my citrusflower petals and verdaderra gel... I can't figure out why though."

Thinking back to the troubled trio of Gilbert, Antonio, and Francis, I sighed, knowing the culprits of the stolen petals.

"What's verdaderra gel? Maybe you just misplaced it like you do a lot." I laughed.

He too joined in the laughter before shaking his head, "If only, but even I know to keep a good eye on ingredients like that, but I've been losing bottles of it since..." He thought out for a moment, "Well, since last September, actually!"

"September?" I thought. "What's it used for?"

"Verdaderra is, as the name suggests, used for truth telling." He responded, "Just a spoonful of the blue jelly alone will cause just about anyone to only think truthful things – which is perfect for mind readers! However, if you include other ingredients with it, the potions it is in can create the strongest truth serums known to all of wizardkind!"

As I remained caught on 'blue jelly,' he looked over at me to emphasise, "It's very expensive too – it's rare as it is and we are fortunate to be able to afford as much as we've been able to, but this is getting absurd!"

"Is that an ingredient in gossipmongler's potion?" I wondered.

He looked over again and gave a proud grin, "Precisely! I'm actually supposed to be teaching my seventh years about it this week – but I can't find enough of the ingredient anywhere!"

"Well... Sir... If I happen to find a bottle, enough for sixteen bottles, could I perhaps sit in on that class to learn the potion as well?" I asked.

"If you could find a bottle enough for sixteen bottles, I'll teach you right now!" He said, bursting out into laughter before looking back at the shelves.

From my pocket, I produced the bottle of blue jelly, verdaderra gel, and he immediately turned pale.


I was surprised to see that after keeping his word, making the potion didn't take even an hour of mixing. All that was left to happen was to let it sit for the night.

Since I was just making one bottle, come morning, the potion would be completed and enough for one dose. Besides that, I felt accomplished knowing I learnt a potion being taught to seventh years while I was still in my third.

Along with that feeling of pride, I also came to realise that whoever else was working with Lucy and Arin, they were in either their sixth year or below... Not that that narrowed down my choices by many people, but it did help me feel at ease about trusting that there couldn't be a professor aiding her since they would definitely know how to make such a simple potion.

Primtalia: School of Sorcery (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now