Six Hours Prior

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Twenty
Six Hours Prior

Except for Amber, a third year Talian student, the courtyard in the front of the school was empty. This was partially due to the cool, crisp air above and partially since it was breakfast and most students tended to find themselves encased in the warmth of the dining hall at this hour.

Amber was seated on a blanket that kept a barrier between her and the cold stone beneath her on the floor. Although she made no effort to conceal herself as she read her books, dare someone pass by one of the statues she laid her back upon, they would not notice her at all.

As fate would have it, she was not halfway finished with the book that rested on her lap when the distinct voices of three different professors took her out of her concentration. The professors in question being the third years charm's professor Hyenni, the third years Latin professor Ulyssin, and the school's tarot reading professor Dupont.

Turning her head, she could see the bottoms of their robes were soaked from the morning dew on the grass beyond the school walls.

Amber had just set her book down to make herself seen when Mrs. Hyenni's shrill voice forced her to remain hidden where she was, "I've always stated that I never trusted that stupid girl!"

"Trust or not, at this point it's too late to go back." Said Dupont in response.

"I know that. My point is that none of you ever listen to me. I told you Arin wasn't a good fit for us, and I was right! I told you _____ wouldn't be helpful to us and I was beyond right! And—"

"Shut up already!" Hissed Ulyssin, "Or are you wanting everyone to hear you?"

Amber brought her legs closer to her so as to minimise her existence as she now decided it best to try to go unseen.

"Oh, come off it, there's no one here! Besides, you're not innocent either. What was that stupid name you told her anyways? Debitchka?"

"Devochka... It means girl in my language. It was just to throw her off." Replied Ulyssin.

"A bread crumb trail is a trail nonetheless, so I hope you realise that if it can be tied to you in any way, someone will figure it out eventually. I'm sure that's how Hayden got caught." Mrs. Hyenni pointed out with a look of disapproval.

"Well you can ask him yourself when we find him. Hopefully we can free him right away, I'm sure he'll still be eager to redeem himself to Sir Eltanin." Dupont responded, shooting Mrs. Hyenni a glare as if she were crossing a line.

Not noting the look, she gave an eye roll in response, "I've never really cared for Delun's philosophy, you know."

"Eltanin." Ulyssin corrected, "Call him by his surname, be respectful."

"All the same, I've never cared about his philosophy to declare a war on the nogifts since I'd be safe with my mother, but I'm doing this for you—" she spoke, staring at Mr. Dupont, "So I hope that gives you an idea of how little I'd like to get caught tonight."

"So, you think I'm desperate to get caught doing this?" Asked Mr. Dupont, shooting the woman a glare.

"Of course not, but I am saying that I hope you have a clear goal for tonight. We don't have any more of the transformation potion so after tonight, that's just done." Reminded Mrs. Hyenni.

"We know that." Ulyssin groaned, "But for now let's focus on finding exactly where he's being kept. I heard the headmaster and Wellix mention he was 'making good progress' so I know he's here."

"The question is only where... Where could they possibly be keeping him?" Wondered Dupont, his eyes wandering the courtyard for a sign of inspiration.

Primtalia: School of Sorcery (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now