We're Friends

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Thirteen
We're Friends

"Miss ______!" Persephone chirped as she saw me enter.

Gage followed behind me with a look of dismay as he made his way towards Bliss who was preparing the day's agenda.

"Hi." I replied to the kid before turning my attention to the others in the room.

Alfred and Tisya were two others who I remembered signed up for this club, but they hadn't yet arrived. However, three who did arrive together were Arthur, Vladimir, and Analie.

"Gage?" I whispered towards him as I tugged on his sleeve and nodded towards her.

He narrowed his blue eyes in her direction for a second before turning back towards the papers Bliss was looking at, "She's innocent until proven guilty and she's yet to be proven guilty, kid."

"What do you mean? I saw her!" I glared, "That's guilty in my book!"

"Maybe you did see her, but you also said the other four had taken the body modification potion. So, who's to say someone didn't take that potion to look like her too?" Gage pressed.

"I couldn't see anything in her either," Bliss added nonchalantly as she continued working, "So either she's a really good liar or she wasn't the fifth person in the restroom with you."

"But-" I protested as I looked back in her direction, "It had to be her I saw in there."

"Normally I'd say 'prove it,' but in this case, since we don't have a clue who was in there with you yet, just steer clear and have some faith that we'll figure it out quickly." He responded, as he looked over at Persephone, "Now go babysit your kid and be a good example."

I rolled my eyes as I dragged my feet back to where Persephone was quietly seated.

I guess I didn't have much of a choice since they were probably doing their best to keep me safe while also looking for people who only I was there to witness in action.

But even so...

The meeting consisted mainly of introductions and everyone else besides Gage who isn't an official member, got a little brother or sister. Lukas seemed the most ecstatic as his little brother was named as being a boy who didn't at all look any younger than him, Emil.

Besides introductions, the goals of the club were explained by Elizabeta. The basic point was that the older and younger siblings were to help each other out with school work and personal problems. The hope in doing so being that it helps the younger sibling to be better and the older to serve as a good role model even when not with their sibling.

After the meeting ended, I let out a yawn as Persephone pulled out a notebook from her book bag. "I know it's late but do you know anything about charms?"

Vladimir and Arthur walked over, sitting on either side of us as they joined the conversation, "Good afternoon, ladies." Vladimir grinned as he leaned close.

"She's got homework, what do you want?" I sighed out.

Vladimir pressed his lips together for a second as he looked at the little girl for a second, "You're still wearing a white tie... You really haven't decided on a house yet?"

She looked down before shaking her head, "The Headmaster told me as long as I've decided before the first semester is over, it's fine to be idle."

"It's super rare for someone to get picked by all the houses. Even for you, I was shocked." Arthur commented somewhat bitterly.

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