The Tarot Reader

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Thirty-Five
The Tarot Reader

Gage slept in the seat beside Bliss's bed the entire night, unwilling to leave despite the nurse's protests. Despite the previous day's events emotionally tiring the three of us, I had imagined I would not have been able to get any sleep.

However, I had collapsed of exhaustion immediately upon touching my bed.

Morning came and I shifted uncomfortably in my bed. I hadn't changed into sleeping clothes, so I ended up sleeping in my sweater and my jeans, leaving to my legs being numb and uncomfortable as soon as I pried my eyes open.

I could feel my wand in my hand and took it out, laying it on the bedside table beside me before reaching into my pocket again where I felt a miniature heart attack jolt me to my feet.

I furrowed my brows, contemplating if I was just sleepy and misplaced it or if I lost it that night before – but the gossipmongler's potion was nowhere to be found on my bed or the floor beneath or around my bed. Not even any traces of shattered glass from the weight of my sleeping body or liquid from it was to be found where I lay.

There was the better half of an hour before classes were to begin today, even so I contemplated for a moment if it would be worth skipping potions in order to search for my lost potion.

Deciding to retrace my steps, to my relief, the courtyard was open and there was but two third years playing with marbles on the ground, not knowing what had transpired here just the night before. Looking around and behind the statues, I felt disappointment in not being able to find my hard-brewed potion.

Sighing out, I headed towards the Ians dormitory to find Vlad, but instead found Analie with puffy red eyes standing outside the door, waiting for someone to let her in or for Vlad to come on out.

I debated turning around and finding Arthur for the meantime when she turned over and saw me. Rather than giving her usual scowl, she gave a defeated, longing look for a moment before walking over, "Is Vlad still in there?" She asked, to which I shrugged.

She furrowed her brows before breathing in, "I've done a lot of thinking and I tried to apologize to him yesterday, but he wouldn't listen to me. He ran away in the middle of my apology."

"That's rough, buddy."

She nodded before raising her brows, "I'm sorry to you too. I'm so sorry for how I acted before, but Lucy told me so many things about you the entire summer I was away. How was I supposed to just not believe my own sister? She said you were a danger and then Alfred went and got hurt and I thought it was because of you—"

"But you knew Lucy was involved in casting that spell!" I argued.

"That's not what I meant. She only cast a sleep like death spell, it's not actually dangerous, just hard to cast." Analie argued, "But listen, I just mean that I'm genuinely sorry for... Everything."

"Are you seriously apologizing?" I asked, raising a brow.

She responded with a nod, "You don't have to believe me, but I'm changing."

"It's only been like what? Two days?" I thought aloud.

Her face went pink as she defensively crossed her arms, "People can change in a day! I did! I even went out of my way to tell Vlad about how dangerous some people involved are dangerous."

"Who, me?" I thought, recalling to when she tried to claim that it was me causing all the trouble and hurting my friends.

She frowned, looking down, "N-No, I meant Natalia." She answered.

Primtalia: School of Sorcery (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now