Bickering Friends

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Twenty-Six
Bickering Friends

It took everyone a few minutes to gather in the library.

Gage was the first to return. Vladimir and Arthur returned some odd minutes after he; and, the two ladies only six minutes after them. All carrying exciting breakthroughs of their own that they were quite eager to share.

"You three are still here?" wondered ________ as she hurriedly skipped behind Bliss.

"We only just returned," Arthur replied, "and with brilliant news—"

"Us too!" Bliss interrupted with gusto.

"Surely it can't top my discovery." Gage said pridefully.

Vladimir adjusted his hat as ______ sat beside him, laughing as she glanced up to look at it more closely.

"Where's the book?" Inquired Arthur as he looked to Gage for an answer.

"I got rid of it." Responded Gage nonchalantly. Seeing their sudden surprise, he assured that he had the symbols drawn out already and proceeded to explain that finally, the professors had taken notice that it was missing.

"And you said Mrs. Hyenni told you it was missing?" Vladimir asked, furrowing his brows.

"Yes! That's my second point – I think the drawing of the hat is supposed to be the hat all the professors wear! I think whoever is behind this has to be a professor!" Gage explained.

"I'm not sure about that," Begun Bliss as she pointed to the picture of the three rectangles with swirls, "but ______ and I think that these are supposed to represent tarot cards."

"Specifically, the deck that Professor Dupont and Lucy have!" Added _______ with confidence.

"If that's the case, then the professor theory is strong." Arthur murmured, "as for us, we believe this one—" he pointed to the drawing of the magnifying glass with the question mark in the centre, "to mean that they could be searching for something."

"Or someone?" Bliss said, more of a suggestion than something she was confident of.

"Wait – let's back up." Gage said, shifting in his seat, "Are we all in agreement that whoever killed..." He shivered ever so slightly before continuing, "Whoever did that is the same person or people who _____ has encountered in the bathroom?"

Everyone gave a nod, though no one was as quick or as confident about it as _______.

"Professor would have the ability to take a hair sample from Meveline for the body modification potion since she's one of his students, so he does have a means." She commented.

"Who's Meveline?" Whispered Vladimir quietly to Arthur who gave a confused shrug as Gage continued, "But does he necessarily have a motive?"

_______ thought quietly for a moment, so he carried on with a question, "You said there were four people in there with you?"

"Five. Analie was there too!" She exclaimed.

"It could've been anyone using the body modification to look like her..." Vladimir protested under his breath.

"You met with them again though. And you said there were three of them then?" Gage continued. With _______'s nod, he wondered aloud, "What if the fourth person quit being with them since they couldn't stand or keep up with what they did to Alfred and Dylan and Evensteen?"

"You think they could've had their memory wiped, Gage?" Bliss wondered.

He shook his head, "If it's a professor who has done this, I wonder if the fourth member is Evensteen? It would make sense as to why there are now three active members."

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