To Face the Enemy

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Twenty-Nine
To Face the Enemy

The following day, I was awoken by the bright sun as it began to peek over the trees and mountains in the distance. It wasn't until I sat up that I felt my body begin to tremble like never before. The circle of warmth that had us shielded from the elements the night before was now fading away very quickly and I only had my sweatshirt and my sleeping bag to protect me now.

The others woke up quickly after me, also shivering in the cold.

Focusing their eyes and attention on the mess of books that were used as tables the night before and the leftover snacks and drinks, we all pitched in and shuffled to clean everything up as quickly as possible and get inside.

With our combined efforts, we managed to clean it all up in two trips and all under fifteen minutes.

To warm up, I decided to delay my breakfast a little longer and skip into the shower room where a hot shower was very much appreciated before getting snuggled up in two layers of my warmest clothes and heading down to breakfast.

To my relief, there were still a lot of students barley entering for their own breakfast. I suppose that with our current break, they all didn't feel the need to wake up as early as before.

I took my time eating as after I finished, I would have to attend to my detention duties and mop down the entire library. Having already dealt with this tedious chore for an entire week before, however, I now knew to arrive later in the day and mop half of the library today and the other half tomorrow rather than mopping down the entire library both days.

Arthur kept me company for most of breakfast, but after hearing about my detention, he thought it best to seek out Gage to try to convince him into exchanging my library detention into "community service" as in helping the community with my service in continuing my work into solving the mystery around who was behind the attacks.

Unfortunately for him, his ideas fell on deaf ears and it resulted in Gage scoffing at him before giving him detention in the kitchens below the dining hall for the night.

It was around 6 in the afternoon when, with reluctance, I proceeded down the library after having stopped by the supply closet for a bucket and mop for my detention chores.

My plan being to mop only half of the room, I took my time making sure I got each corner and in between all the bookshelves. I focused all my attention on these little details so much so that I didn't notice Arin was seated at a desk on the opposite side of the library, pouring over a stack of books that rested on the desk beside her.

She must not have noticed me either as when I leaned over her shoulder to see what she was up to, she jumped, startled by me.

"What'cha reading there?" I asked, reading only the cover of the book as she quickly slammed it shut.

"What'cha reading there?" I asked, reading only the cover of the book as she quickly slammed it shut

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(I didn't draw the background, just the characters btw)

Curses and their Remedies, by Olivia Willows.

"Why are you studying curses? We're on break yanno." I spoke, resting my chin on the wooden end of the mop.

"Er—well I'm not looking at curses so-to-say." She said, pushing the book onto the stack and picking out another, "But I am busy, I don't want to get distracted so if it's all the same to you, do you mind leaving me alone now?"

"So cold." I said, faking a shiver motion as I watched her, "Are you trying to cure a curse? Or curse a cure?" I joked, but she remained stoic.

"I... I want to make amends in the only way I know how." She said, looking down.

"Amends to who?"

She stood up and as she stared me down, I felt as if she grew a few inches. "If I tell you, you must promise me you won't ask any questions or tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE about what I'm about to tell you."

"I—ugh—" I wasn't sure with what to respond as her entire persona changed, so I laughed awkwardly.

"I'm serious, ________. You can't mention this to anyone, or else it will be tracked back to me." She said in a low whisper. I gave a slow nod as I responded with, "I promise."

Her hand was shaking as she reached up to grab my hand. Her hand was cold and with her other hand, she lifted her sleeve and mine with the end of her wand before muttering an inaudible chant. It was only after she put her wand away that I realised what she had just done.

Another red line appeared beneath her first and on my wrist, appeared one just like her first.

"For to break a promise shall lead to a cursed life..." She whispered warningly before I pulled my hand back in betrayal. Looking up at me, she looked stoic for a moment before bursting into laughter.

For a moment, I felt like laughing with her, as if everyone would jump out from their secret hiding spots and shout that this was a joke. But as she composed herself again, she stared directly into my eyes.

"I know the curse cast on Alfred and Dylan." She said.

Despite her warning, the word, "How?" Slipped out unintentionally as I studied her face for any sign that this was some sick and elaborate joke.

"I hope to be able to tell you someday..." She begun, "I was there when she cast it, but—" She rose her arm again, pointing to the first of the two red lines.

"I've made a pact with devils." She spoke in something under a whisper.

And in that moment, the fact that never even crossed my mind, dawned on me.

"You were the girl disguised as the first year in the bathroom that day."


Fun fact: I actually wrote this entire chapter and once I realised it would conflict with the next chapter, I had to delete everything and start anew! *upside down smiley face*

The next chapter also ends in a cliff hanger that will reveal the first big boss, so I wanted to put this Author's note here. Who do you think it is?

Give me all your theories and thoughts, they're super fun to read and help me with my writing process!!

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